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Celena's pov

I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't move anything.. I'm in a really dark place and all I could hear is voices..

I'm confused , these voices has been apologizing for long now..

Wait how long has it been?

I couldn't remember..

My poor child.. what did they do to you

I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help you

I'm sorry I couldn't be there to ease the pain

Those wolves...

Those useless inbreds..

I'm sorry you had to go through this.. I promise it would be better after that.

I love you,my child..

I suddenly arched my back and gasped out as I felt myself getting sucked by some kind of energy, then I could feel it all again..

The cold breeze of air,the soft petals of flowers brushing against my skin and the heavenly floral scent that invaded my sense of smell..

Am I in heaven?

I didn't open my eyes,too afraid to find out what happened..

I really died huh.. I wish they were able to save my baby, and I wish marcus would be happy now..

I sighed out deeply and clutches the flowers my hands could reach as I felt myself lying comfortably in alot of them.

What will happen now??

I took in deep breaths, trying to gather up enough courage before I finally decided to slowly open my eyes..

But what I saw next amazed me, as what greeted me wasn't white clouds and bright places..

It was a shining bright moon, it looked so majestic..

I tilted my head down and gasped as I saw the flowers I was laying in weren't ordinary .

They were glowing..

What does this mean?

Where am I?

I noticed I wasn't wearing anything, and that only confused me even more.

The last thing I remember was dying, but I don't know what happened next..

The voices!

Whose voices was those?

Before I could even think further I heard a twig snap making me making me jump slightly..

I turned to look around just to find out im in a middle of a field of grass and on a bed of flowers, beside the river that's surrounded by tall trees.

What stepped out of the tree next made my eyes widen in shock as I saw a man,wearing an all black outfit.

He has pale complexion, but he seems to glow under the night light..

He's so handsome, he's also so tall.. he's about 6'5 if I could estimate correctly..

He has strong jawline, a thin red lips, thick eyebrows, a pointed aristocratic nose..

I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt him growl out a word that I didn't come to hear because of the distance..


I asked in confusion, more to myself.

He suddenly disappeared and appears before me in a blink making me pull back breathlessly as our faces are only inches apart while he's kneeling down beside my sitting figure.

I felt shiver run down my spine as I stared directly into his dark red dangerous eyes while he stared back intently at me

The corner of his lips twitched up into a smirk confusing me more has he took his black and huge shirt off to slip it on me..

My face instantly flushed into a crimson red color due to embarrassment as realization dawned on me.

"As much as I love how you look right now, i wouldn't like anyone else to see what's mine.. little mate"

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