"Jackson. I'm very aware you think you're untouchable, but you remember the last time you pissed me off?"

"Sage—I'm fine I swear--" Sage barely heard what her best friend was saying to her, the vampire was filled with rage as she continued to twist the boy's arm behind his back, any further and she would rip it off.

"You're hurting me!" Sage didn't care that the boy was groaning in pain, the vampiric side of her wanted to rip Jackson's arm off, the fear that she had felt through the bond fueled her anger even more. Her job was to protect Lydia, and the one anomaly that was constantly hurting her was Jackson Whittmore. So Sage had to get rid of him.

"Sage..." The vampire felt herself calm down a little after feeling the delicate hand of her best friend on her arm, she looked over at the Martin girl who stared at her, worry swimming in her jade coloured eyes.

"I'm okay." Sage stared at her friend who sent her a soft smile, she let go of the jocks shoulder and quickly sent him a glare- the boy gulped as he looked at the girl in fear before he quickly took off down the hall.

The hall had emptied leaving the two best friends, Sage searched the girl to see if she was hurt but Lydia just pulled her into a hug. The blonde returned it causing the girl to melt into her arms.

"Thank you for protecting me." Lydia whispered to her guardian.



The following day Sage and Lydia had walked into the cafeteria but the strawberry blonde was unusually quiet, the vampire assumed that it was because of the whole Jackson ordeal but from the whispers going around about the Martin girl Sage couldn't pinpoint what exactly got her best friend so down in the dumps.

The vampire stopped in her tracks as her face scrunched up and her nose wrinkled from the stench of dog, she knew it wasn't because of Scott because she was used to his scent now.

There was a new werewolf.

Soon enough the cafeteria doors had opened and a whole new Erica came into view, the girl wore a very tight outfit which caught everyone's attention.

Sage side-eyed her bestfriend who had a furious look on her face as she stared at the girl, the vampire had followed the girl after she had marched over to Scott and Stiles' table. Both boys were staring at the new werewolf putting the pieces together about her new look.

"What the holy hell is that?!" Lydia demanded as she slammed her hands on their table, as she continued to glare at Erica. She refused to allow another girl to come in and steal all the attention especially when everyone used to gawk at her like that.

"It's Erica," Scott said, knowing that this was Derek's doing, as soon as the girl heard the whisper of her name she threw a smirk over to the boys before strutting out of the cafeteria, making Scott and Stiles bolt after her.

"Who the hell does she think she is?!" Sage frowned at the anger she felt through her bond, she hated seeing Lydia like this, she knew all she cared about was popularity and right now Erica was stealing the last bit that Lydia had.


Stiles gnawed on the inside of his cheek as he stared over at Sage who was currently perched on the ground by her locker, from the looks of it she was doodling again in her notebook. The human made a mental note to ask her about her drawings one day, but right now he had something else on his mind. The last time they spoke was that night they had saved Isaac from the hunter, normally the vampire would sneak through his window and watch him sleep but Stiles knew she never came by that night.

Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum