Chapter 3: Camp Attack Pt.1 A Child's New Reemergence

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It's been several days since Izuku introduced himself to the world as Sephiroth. People all over the world had seen his strength and his cunning.

In the few days he has been Sephiroth, he has stopped many crimes, both minor and major. Children were looking up to him. News media were desperate to interview him. He was gaining more and more popularity all across the world.

He was also wealthy, too. Because of his many limitless abilities, many people have contacted him to be a bodyguard or something else. He accepted them so as to not hurt their feelings and even one of the wealthy asked him if he could be his daughter's date to a ball dance.

Yet, the heroes weren't letting this slide and neither were the villains. Villains tried to ambush him and kill him. He defeated them all without them even laying a finger on his head. Both sides have also noticed how intelligent he was.

He had stopped many trafficking operations and found many missing people. He somehow knew his opponents next move and countered even faster.

Heroes had also attempted to ambush him and interrogate him, but to no avail. They were even Heroes and villains agreed on only one thing, however.

Sephiroth is unstoppable.

When the media caught wind that Sephiroth had actual residence on I-Island, the island was bombarded with tourists, more than they had ever counted before. They were even more desperate for interviews when they realized that he was personal friends with David and Melissa Shield, as well as Melissa's husband, Touya.

Izuku was in his room that David had given him and put on a melancholy face as he recounted the time that All Might, Endeavor, and even underground hero, Eraserhead had come to kick his ass.


Izuku had just gotten finished stopping a drug smuggling operation and a sex trafficking operation one late afternoon in Kamino Ward.

The men were selling women to the highest bidder on the black market, all of the snobby rich fat cats were about rape them until Izuku broke through the building windows. They had rushed him but Izuku beat them to the punch he used a shockwave to stun them and later knock them around.

He broke them women free and had contacted the local police and their parents. Oh, how useful technology can be.

When the parents of the girls arrived they thanked Izuku so much. And the girls were grateful their lives were saved.

However, the sentimental moment was broken when the heroes arrived. The group consisted of Eraserhead, Midnight, All Might, Endeavor, Present Mic and Snipe.

All Might walked in front of all of them as he looked at Sephiroth with a face no one thought they would ever see again.



Many of the citizens had tried to defend Izuku but he told them to stand down. He then walked a few paces until he stood out.

Izuku always wanted to meet All Might when he was younger, yet never got the chance to. When he learned that he would be teaching at UA, he was esctatic. This was his chance to finally meet his hero.

This day was the day he resented All Might and Endeavor with a passion.

Izuku(As Sephiroth): I was trying to help the innocent. To try to reconnect loved ones. While it took you all several months, I found their location in a few days. They used a pretext to cover their tracks, something that you guys apparently do not know. I was only doing what was right. Helping the innocent whenever and wherever I can.

Izuku, The Heroic Sephiroth(Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now