Chapter 72-Dream

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*Today you are being discharged from the hospital, but still have to be in recovery at home for a while. You can't get back to most normal activities for 4-6 weeks.*

You are sitting in the edge of your bed when Lizzie walks in.

Lizzie: Are you ready to go? You still have some things that need packing up.

Y/N: Yeah, I know.

Lizzie: Why didn't you pack already? Are you in pain? Do you want help?

Y/N: No. I just don't feel like I'm going home today.

Lizzie: What do you mean? You don't want to go home?

Y/N: No, that's not what I mean. A week ago I was supposed to be recovered and going home, but as I was packing, the doctor said that I was not better and needed surgery, a surgery that almost killed me. And now it's been a week since then and I'm just waiting for someone to drop the next bomb on me.

Lizzie crouches down in front of you and takes your hands.

Lizzie: I've been doing that too, you're not alone. But instead of waiting around for the bad things and not living, live in spite of the bad things.

Y/N: But-

Lizzie: I know that's easier said than done. I'm not saying I'm good at that either, but we'll work on it together.

You are silent for a moment and then nod and stand up. Lizzie stands too and puts her arms around you, pulling you into a comfortable hug.

Lizzie: I've got you, okay? I'm not gonna let anything bad happen as long as I'm here.

You know there is plenty that's out of both of your control but the words are still very comforting. You exhale and relax into her more.

Y/N: Thank you.

Lizzie: Anytime!
She smiles

*After you finish packing, a nurse comes in with a wheelchair(even though you are able to walk on your own, it's hospital policy that you have to be brought to the car in a wheelchair).*

You sit down and she begins wheeling you out to the parking lot, with Lizzie walking alongside. As you are approaching the front doors, Brie walks in.

Brie: Hey, I was just about to come see if you were ready, Scarlett has the car out front.

Y/N: Oh good. Yeah, we're all set.

*You are brought outside and helped into the front seat, next to Scarlett.*

Scarlett: So, ready to be home?

Y/N: After two weeks in the hospital? Hell yeah I'm ready to go home!

Scarlett: Alright, let's get this show on the road then.

You and Brie both laugh

Brie: I'm sorry, but did you just say "let's get this show on the road?"

Y/N: Huh...sometimes I forget that you are a mom and then you say things like that.

Scarlett: Hey! Watch it!
She laughs too and then starts the car.

Y/N: Really though, thank you both so much for being here this last week, having people that I know like outside of my immediate family helped bring some normalcy to all of this, kinda. Not that you aren't family!

Brie: Nice save. And your welcome.
Everyone laughs

Scarlett: We couldn't have not come! I for one would have been a complete reck, wondering what was going on.

Brie: Me too!

*You arrive home and park outside of your apartment.*

Lizzie: Okay so Dr. Stevens said we had to tell you calmly before going inside so you don't get overexcited, there are people in there for a welcome home party.

Y/N: Aww you guys didn't have to do that!

Brie: Yeah but we knew you would want something. It can also sort of be your "juts married" party. It's not too much of a party though, more of just a hanging out with food there because we're not supposed to make you  too worked up.

Y/N: Still, thank you!

You see the front door open and Mary and your mom walk outside. Mary runs over to the car and opens your door.

Mary: Hi! I'm so glad you're okay!

She helps you carefully get out of the car and then hugs you(careful not to squeeze too tight).

Y/N: I missed you.

You take a deep breathe and hug your best friend, something that last week you thought you might never get to do again.

Mary: I missed you more!

Lizzie, Brie and Scarlett have gotten out of the car. Lizzie comes over to your other side and she and Mary each have an arm around your waist as you walk inside.

Y/N: You guys know I can physically walk by myself, right?

Lizzie: If you think I'm gonna let you cheat on your recovery, you are sorely mistaken. You have to rest and except help from people!

Y/N: I will!
*You roll your eyes*

Once you get inside, you realize how many people are there. You are a little overwhelmed but happy.

After saying hello to most people, you make some excuse about changing your shirt and go into your room. You sit on the bed and take a deep breathe.

Y/N: I'm okay.
*You whisper to yourself*

A few minutes later, you hear a knock on the door.

Y/N: Coming!

You start to stand up

Paul: You don't have to get up, do you mind if I come in?

Y/N: Sure.

He opens the door and goes to sit next to you

Paul: You doing alright Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah. I'm super glad everyone is here, like I like this sort of thing but I kinda just needed a minute to process. I feel like I'm gonna wake up on the morning of my graduation and all of this will have just been a dream. Or I feel like it's real, but me coming home is a dream and I'm gonna wake up still in the hospital and they're gonna find something else wrong with me, ya know?

Paul: Well do you want some time to yourself? I can leave.

Y/N: No, it's okay.

You lean against him and put your head on his shoulder.

Y/N: Any words of wisdom?

Paul let's out a quick burst of laughter

Paul: Why do people always assume I'm like some old wise guy? Sorry to tell you that I don't have any experience in the area. Just try to live one day to the next, even if it is a dream, it's the reality you're in now, might as well make the best of it.

Y/N: People assume that cuz you say you're not wise, but then say stuff like that. That's good advice, thanks.

He smiles

Paul: No problem.

You stand up

Y/N: Well, I guess I should head back out there.

Paul: Probably.

He stands up to and takes your arm, supporting you as you walk to the living room.

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