Chapter 13-Questions and more questions

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*You and Lizzie just got to the airport.*

You have security to meet you outside which is good because there are a lot of paparazzi. As you get out of the car you put on sunglasses but it doesn't help much with all of the flashing cameras. You can see Lizzie is anxious and you squeeze her hand.

Paparazzi asking a lot of questions and yelling things at you:
"Does this trip have something to do with the film"
"Y/N what can you tell us about your character?"
"Is Wanda finally gonna get her kids back?"
"Where are you headed?"

Y/N: We obviously cannot say if the if this trip has anything to do with the film and we can't give any spoilers about the film itself.

Lizzie still seems nervous and you can hear her breathing heavily. You put your arm around her and keep walking. The paparazzi keeps taking pictures

"Y/N, Elizabeth over hear! Lizzie give her a kiss!"
"What can you say about your relationship?"
"Are you living together?"
"Have you met each other's families?"
"What do your families have to say about you dating another girl?"

You hold onto Lizzie and keep walking. The security holds off the paparazzi and you get inside and go through the airport check.

You finished going through security and are heading to your gate.

You hear someone call your name and turn around.
Two girls who like about 15 or 16 come running up to you and Liz.

Maya: Hi! I'm Maya! I'm a huge fan of both of you!

Aria: I'm Aria and I'm such a fan of yours too!

Y/N: Aww thanks it's so nice to meet you both!

Aria: We were watching your live stream earlier and it was so cute! We just sort of wanted to say thank you and that you are both really brave. Maya and I are dating but my family isn't exactly supportive of me being with another girl. It was hard enough coming out to the people closest to me so I can't imagine coming out to like everyone! It must be really scary having to deal with hate online and with paparazzi and stuff. You both really inspire me!

Lizzie: Wow! Thank you so much for saying that. I'm so sorry that your family isn't supportive. There are always going to be people who are ignorant but it's important to lean on the people who are there for you.

Y/N: Exactly. I mean Lizzie and I have been very lucky with the support from our friends and family but we've already received a considerable number of hate comments and messages. It sucks but it happens. Like Lizzie said, it's important to know that you are loved and have people who do support you and do care about you.

Maya: Thank you so much! You too are so awesome! We can't wait to see the new avengers movie! Could we maybe take a picture with you?

Lizzie turns to you as if asking a silent question. You nod

Lizzie: Of course!

You take a picture with them and then head to the gate.
You notice several people taking pictures of you on the way but you just smile and take Lizzie's hand.

When you get on the plane you hear someone whispers and see people pointing but just try to ignore it and get settled in.

Lizzie gives you a kiss

As you kiss you hear a lady a few rows back saying this-
Lady: "Oh my goodness. What is this all coming too? And I always liked that Olsen girl. Guess we know where their headed."

You clench your fist when you hear this.
Lizzie notices and she leans over to whisper to you.

Lizzie: Remember what you told those girls, there are always going to be ignorant people in the world. You have to try to ignore it and relay on the people who love and care about you.
I love and care about you! Okay? I've got you.

Elizabeth Olsen x Female Reader("Soulmates from the start")Where stories live. Discover now