Keeper of Souls, Holder of The Last Book of Death - The Reaper

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I see the cursed girl clearly for the first time since the First Book of Life was written. Before her I see the serpent crumble to the ground like a paper doll. His human body is weaker than I expected. She rushes forward to grab him and I am blinded for a split second by sparks of light that flare like his ancient power. 

It seems the first power of the serpent has awakened once more. The serpent who damned the entire human race the first time.

Once again another dawn of misery for mankind and the scatter of spirits across the world has come. After thousands of years the serpent has found its Fated. 

I run my hands through my hair, adjust my spectacles, frown at my husband. He sits unbothered in the lounge watching television. Once he was a mighty warrior, granted immortality by the ones that be, for his valor. It has been some hundred years now and his humanity is still very much intact. This thought is frightening. If he, after years, can still seem so human, then the serpent has the capacity to be the ancient power he once was even in his weakened human form.

Being bound by spirit law kept the girl from him through all her reincarnations. But no law can govern the drift and pull between fated souls of humans. The mortality in his soul will always find hers. The Second Book of Ties declared it so. 

This means the end for us all. I crumble to the floor like the dead thing I am sure to become. 

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