Waffle War

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*Firestar stares at dead Lionblaze*

Firestar: .....what?

*Cinderheart walks in*

Cinderheart: Firestar, who do you want me to- *gasps* LIONBLAZE!!!

*stares at Firestar*

Cinderheart: You-you killed him... You- killed Lionblaze...

Firestar: *backing away* I- it wasn't my fault! He just..... died.

Cinderheart: Likely story! You got so annoyed of him you killed him! Now my kits will have no father... *breaks down crying*

*Jayfeather walks in*

Jayfeather: Lionblaze!

Firestar: How can you see him if you're...

Jayfeather: You killed my brother!

Firestar: No! I just told him I didn't like waffles, and then he died on the spot!

Jayfeather: *sighing* Let's bury him, and then we'll see what the rest the clan has to say about this.

*all exit Firestar's den and leave to the clearing*

Firestar: Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around! Lionblaze has died...

*whole clan gasps*


Cinderheart: Firestar killed him!!!!!!

*clan gasps again*

Firestar: No I didn't! I just said that I don't like waffles, and he died on the spot.

Leafpool: So you did kill him!

Brambleclaw: Waffle-hater!

*whole clan starts chucking waffles at Firestar*

Lionblaze: * jumps up* Yeah! Get him! Get him! Throw harder!

*clan keeps throwing waffles*

Firestar: Stop! I am your leader! You are all acting like kits!

*clan finally stops*

Firestar: Wait- LIONBLAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lionblaze: What?

Firestar: You're... supposed to be dead.

Lionblaze: I was just kidding! I thought it would be nice to have a little waffle war!

Firestar: *faintly* What has Thunderclan come to?

Lionblaze: It's senses.

20  Ways  To  Annoy Firestar  (A  Warrior  Cats  Spoof)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang