Chapter : 33

33 4 18

*Michael’s POV*

I was hiding in a ship and heard a few footsteps enter the very ferry that I was in. “So, Captain Carl is on his way, we all may rest here in the meantime”, a familiar voice said.

Captain Carl? That geezer is working for them?!

“Finally, I wanna sleep like a pig”, another voice said. “Ouch! Hey…”, the previous voice yelped. “There’s no time to slack off right now. What if more zombies came?”, another voice asked. While they were discussing what would happen if they stayed off guard, I decided to get out of the ship and take another ferry back to the city.

As I slowly moved back, I turned to look at the second entrance door wide open as if wanting me to leave, I smiled gleefully and started walking towards the exit, while walking I stepped on shattered glass. The crunchy sound of glass under the shoes made enough sound to get the others suspicious of an intruder.

I heard footsteps making their way towards me. I took that as a chance to run out of the ship. I ran down a few stairs and made it outside, but was confronted by my enemies. “Where do you think you’re going?”, a voice asked with his arms crossed.

“Sorry, didn’t catch your name. What was it again?”, I asked. “Jason”, he answered. “Right, look pal. I need to make it to the city alive, ASAP. So, how about you spare me and I don’t hurt your friends”, I said as I walked closer to him and stopped just a few inches away from his face.

“Your not getting away that easily”, he said and I scoffed. “Well, I tried to persuade you, your loss”, I shrugged and pulled out a gun from my pocket and so did my enemy. Now, we both were pointing our guns onto one another’s forehead while glaring into each other’s eyes.

Just then, his friends surrounded me from the sides and raised their guns at me. “You’re cornered. What are you going to do now?”, Jason asked as he cocked a brow at me. I looked at him for a while before raising my hands in defeat.

“Throw away your gun”, he told. “Don’t order me”, I shot back. “Give it”, he said while lending his hand out for me to surrender my gun. “Fine”, I said as I slowly passed my gun but before it could land on his palm I shot his right leg, the sound of the shot echoed.

He got down on one knee and winced in pain, the gun had dropped from his hands. Before I could run to the ship, So Hyun grabbed my shirt from behind, I turned around and punched her in the face, she moved back and licked her cut on the corner of her lips before running towards me.

*No one’s POV*

So Hyun ran towards Michael and punched his jaw, kicked him in the stomach, he moved back and tried to regain balance. So Hyun walked closer to Michael and formed her hand into a fist, but before she could punch him, the ground began to shake. Jason ripped his shirt and wrapped his injured leg with it.

Confused eyes looked around to find the source of the sudden mini earthquake. Upon looking around, Jason spotted something, rather someone running in the direction of the docks. He squinted his eyes to look closely before his eyes widened.

That someone who was running was non other than a zombie and not just a zombie, a whole mob of zombies came running towards the crew. The survives gasped and panicked, began to run around and look for shelter, only to gain the zombies attention.

“Everyone, stop running and stand together!”, Jason ordered the panicked people but some didn’t bother to listen and ran inside buildings just to be safe, little did they know that some buildings have zombies hiding in rooms.

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