Ted: Yep. It's nice to feel the wind on my face again!

As the two fall, they notice a train nearing a wall.

Theo: Woohoo! Time to alleviate some stress whilst causing chaos!

Ted and Theo both sprout wings from their shoulders as Ted glides down using the grey lightning-based wings and Theo flies down using his wings of magma.

Ted touches down first, his clawed gauntlets and boots digging into the asphalt as he sprints at the wall to get some civilians away from it.

Theo lands closer to the wall, quickly building a wall of hardened magma at the soon to be impact point.

Ted only got around fifteen civilians away from the soon to be impact point before a train hit a wall surrounding a city called Vale.

Debris goes flying everywhere. Theo's wall of magma did nothing and Creatures of Grimm quickly flood the surrounding area.

Ted takes the gauntlet off his right hand and grabs the I Sword.

Ted: Time to do some killing.

The I Sword is flooded with Inergy as a sparking grey blade quickly forms.

Ted rushes through the crowd of black, slicing everything in sight, getting a few scratches here and there but quickly mowing down the ever-growing group.

Theo places his hand on the ground, a wave of magma coming from the ground and engulfing several Grimm before hardening around their bodies.

Theo: Be Covered in Death.

Theo clenched his fist, sending spikes of hardened magma into the creatures bodies.

Ted: You have the best move names.

Theo: Of course I do! I'm me!

Theo is then swatted into a building by an Ursa Major.

Theo: Fucking buildings!

Theo rides a wave of liquid magma out of the building, using it to cover several more Grimm in it before hardening it.

Theo: Die!

The Grimm covered in Theo's hardened magma are crushed to death by it.

Ted and Theo completely ignored the teenage Huntsmen in training who were trying to get their help and or help them.

Ted extended the claws on his left hand before swiping at the horde of Grimm, sending a wave of grey electricity out at them.

Ted: Shit I really should name these moves beforehand.

Ted jumps into a rather large grouping of Grimm with both his hands covered in grey electricity.

Ted: Indiscriminate Shock! 13 Million Volts!

When Ted touched the ground everything in a twenty-metre radius was hit by the attack, killing the Grimm and powering up a ginger.

Theo: Ted you ass! You stole that from an anime!

Ted: Most of my moves are stolen from anime!

Ted jumped onto a nearby building, raising his hand and quickly building Inergy in the clouds into the shape of an eastern dragon.

Ted: Begone With The Thunderclap! Kirin.

Once Ted lowered his hand at the horde, a large Eastern Dragon descended from the skies striking with much less power than the original move because Ted doesn't need to destroy a small mountain, only a horde of Grimm.

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