𝙸 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚝

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You had gone along with your brother Ethan to save Rose, after what happened to Mia you were furious at Chris and determined to get your niece back.

While Ethan's fate was in Heisenberg's hands, yours was in Lady Dimitrescu's. Your heart had sank when Miranda had made her decision.
You were taken to their castle where they later on bound you to a chair. You weren't scared one bit, in fact, you grew annoyed with each passing second you had to listen to two of Alcina's daughters argue.

Alcina herself became annoyed and sent them out before taking a seat in her fancy chair, drinking that fancy wine.
"Let me get this straight, you want my blood to use it in that nasty wine of yours?" You asked, she gasped in shock before turning her head towards you.

"You dare call my wine, nasty" she sneered as she stood up. You thought for sure she was going to kill you but instead she poured another glass of wine and held it out to you.
You managed to wiggle your hands through the rope and cupped the cup with both of them. She sat down again as you took a sip, you found it surprisingly good.

You managed to strike up a conversation while the two of you kept drinking. You tried buying Ethan time to save your ass, you both needed each other so you had to be smart about this situation.
Your thoughts were disturbed by Alcina mentioning her "idiot brother".
"What is the problem between you two?" You asked, a tiny bit tipsy thanks to the wine.

"He's childish and his loyalty to Mother Miranda. I'm surprised he hasn'tstarted a rebellion yet" she said while taking another sip.
"Rebellion, what do you mean?" You asked, genuinely curious.
"It's obvious he doesn't want to be here" those words got you thinking. It was cut short when one of her daughters stormed in with a wicked smile.
"He's here" was all she needed to say before Alcina stood up and left the room, locking the door after them.

"They're just gonna leave me?" You thought while while gulping down what was left in your cup.
"Looks like I gotta save his ass" you muttered before you tumbled over the chair. You managed to break the cup and use one of the shards to cut yourself loose.
You tried busting down the door but that didn't happen, you stumbled a bit towards the bed and dropped down on it.
"Might as well take my chance to use this fancy fella" you muttered as you cuddled up to a pillow.

Before you knew it you were rudely awaken by someone shaking your shoulder.
"Y/n, Y/n wake up!" A voice snapped, you opened your eyes and looked groggily at a stressed Ethan.
"Ethee, it's good to see you" you mumbled, trying to sit up.
"Are you drunk?" He asked while dragging you up, almost falling over in the process.
"Just a smidge" you said, a burp accidentally escaping.

Ethan shook his head dissapointingly before entering the secret door he came through. The rest of the journey was a pain in the ass. For him. You somehow were a better shot when slightly tipsy because you managed to kill Alcina with one bullet through the head.

After fighting through the other two lords you only had one left, Heisenberg. He had led you two to his factory so that's where you were standing right now. Right outside his doors.
"Ladies first" he said nervously, you gave him a death glare before entering the building. You were looking around and found some salves to heal some of your wounds. Ethan motioned for you to follow him as he went down some stairs.

You were looking in another room before feeling a hand over your mouth. You quickly turned around, only to see Heisenberg.
"Hush darling, don't want to alarm that brother of yours" he chuckled. He slowly removed his hand before continuing onto the next room where Ethan was.
You were about to follow him but was suddenly side-tracked by something moving in the corner of your eye.
A mechanical creature, you had no idea what it was supposed to be.

Your attention were brought back to the other room as you heard commotion.
"Use my daughter to kill Miranda? Are you insane?" Asked a frustrated Ethan.
"Together we can kill Miranda, your Rose has the power we need" Heisenberg tried his best to persuade Ethan but you knew your brother, he was one of the most stubborn people you've ever met.

"I'm with Heisenberg" you said while approaching them, Ethan almost snapoed his neck when he turned to you. A look of "wtf are you saying?" written all over his face.
"I mean as long as Rose won't be harmed I think teaming up would be a good idea. Heisenberg doesn't want to be here, he could be useful" you explained.
"My daughter is not a weapon, fuck you" he said the last thing towards Heisenberg and before you knew it, Heisenberg had him over a hole. You couldn't quite tell what they were saying before Heisenberg dropped him.
"Ethan!" You screamed before running to the hole, trying to save him. Heisenberg managed to catch you in his arms before you could jump down after him.
"I could have persuaded him, why did you let him go?" You asked as you turned around in his arms.

That's when you realized how close you two truly were.
"You wanting to help me, I appreciate it, I really do darling" he said while wrapping his hands on the sides of your shoulders.

"Nobody deserves everything you're going through, I pity you" you said, not really daring to look into his eyes.
"If we both make it out of here, what do you say about a date?" He asked. Your eyes widened and your cheeks reddened at the suggestion.
"Sounds great" you managed to get out.

"I would take you even if you denied"

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