𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐

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It had been a few weeks since your brother, Ethan, died at that cursed place. You along with Heisenberg had managed to escape before the explosion.
You had persuaded Chris to let him live and he had agreed after a lot of begging and discussions.
Mia didn't want to stay at her old place she had shared with Ethan, she didn't feel safe.

You had told her she was always welcome to stay at your house and so was Heisenberg. He had nowhere else to go, you pitied him.
You had only one bedroom and one guestroom, Mia and Rose got to sleep in your bed while Heisenberg got to sleep in the guest bedroom.
He had of course insisted that he could sleep on the couch but you would have none of it.

While Ethan didn't want to help Heisenberg, you wanted to. In your eyes, he wasn't really a villain. He just wanted to be free from Miranda's grasp.
In your time at the village you had grown quite close to Heisenberg, you were happy to be a friend to him but something in you ached.
You wanted more. But you sort of knew that he probably didn't want anything so you just let those thoughts be.

You had woken up in the middle of the night thanks to a nightmare, you were still mourning over your brother's death so waking up like this wasn't anything new to you. You decided to put on a movie even though you felt numb.
"It's obvious you're tired, why aren't you sleeping?" Asked a voice from the stairs, you suddenly turned around to find Heisenberg standing there. He slowly walked down the last step before walking over towards you and taking a seat on the couch beside you.

"I can ask the same" you said, trying to sound playful but it came out more bitter than you intended it to.
"I asked first" you looked towards him and it seemed like he wouldn't give up. You sighed in defeat as you got up and brought out the wine "Wine, whisky? What you want?" You asked "Wine". You brought glasses back to the couch and poured the two of you a glass.

"It's his death, isn't it?" He stated. You felt a lump in your throat, it began to burn. "Yes" was all you got out before the lump got bigger. You took a swig of the wine before leaning your back against the back of the couch and rested your head against a pillow. You were staring up at the roof to not let the tears spill.
"Every night, the same nightmare. Over and over again" you said, he pulled you into his arms and leaned his head against yours.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this" he said softly, this was the first time Heisenberg had acted this way. He had always been sarcastic or told people to "Shut your damn hole". You appreciated to see this side off him.

"It's too late to change the past, I can't change it so I'll have to learn to live with it" you said as you moved a bit closer to the edge of the couch, you put your face in your hands and sighed. You really didn't want to cry infront of him but you didn't want to send him away either.

"Your brother was honorable, he kept fighting to save Rose so you should be proud of his sacrifice. And thanks to you I'm free. I don't have to serve Miranda anymore. If it weren't for you I'd be dead by now, Ethan would have killed me" he moved to sit infront of you and wrapped his hands around yours, you couldn't take it anymore. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried, not only because of the sadness but also for his kind words.

"I'm glad I met you" you said while wiping your tears.
"So am I darling"  you smiled at the nickname he had gived you, you had grown used to it.
"I feel tired I should probably go back and sleep" he said before standing up.

"You never said what kept you up" you stated as you too stood up. He froze on the spot before turning slightly around.
"Same as you" You placed your hand on his shoulder and turned him around, you wrapped your arms around his neck once again.
"I could get used to this" he chuckled.
"What do you say about sleeping on the couch with me, I don't think I can be alone right now" you said, walking back to the couch. You honestly expected him to go back to his soft bed but he did join you.

"Scoot over" he spoke, you scooted over a bit but it was still tight of space. You didn't except him to do what he did next. He rolled you over so you were laying on him, face to face. He didn't expect your faces to be so close to each other, for his face had a bit of shock as well.

Fuck it. You thought as you began leaning in, to your relief he closed his eyes and met your lips halfway. You didn't feel numb anymore, you felt a bit happier than you ever had in these few weeks. You then pulled away and gazed into each other's eyes.

"Thank you darling" he said with a genuine smile.
"For what?"
"For a lot of things" he placed his hand at the back of your head and pulled you into his arms. You were happy he felt the same in the end, maybe these upcoming months would be a little easier for you.

Karl Heisenberg ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz