𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔

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Alternate universe to "Like my own"

Ethan slowly walked past Lady Dimitrescu and into a room he hadn't seen before. There was a large painting of Lady Dimitrescu and her children, that's when he noticed someone. You.
"Another one?" He thought frustrated, exaniming you.

He hadn't seen you around the castle yet, maybe you were dead? Making it easier for him to survive. Although, his mind wandered back to Lady Dimitrescu asking for Bela to summon someone named Y/n.

He took a closer look at the bottom of the painting and read "Lady Dimitrescu and her children Bela, Daniela, Cassandra and Y/n".
"Great" he thought as he kept moving through the castle. He soon ended up in the dungeons were he found a journal, it seemed to belong to one of the maids.

I want to go home, this place is horrible. The ladies of the castle are treating me like dirt, I'm afraid I'm the next one to be sent down to the dungeon. Although Y/n would never allow that, right?

He kept moving on, having to battle monsters seemed like a piece of cake. That is until one of the daughters started chasing him.
He managed to kill her in the end. He managed to find an exit from the dungeons, he sighed in relief before sitting down against a wall.

Suddenly footsteps could be heard from down the hall.
He hid behind a large vase and peeked from behind. He immediately recognized you. You were wearing something similar to what you wore in the painting compared to your sisters who dressed in black.

You were carrying a pile of books as you went past him. Ethan noticed a big difference between you and your sisters, a genuine smile decorated your face. And your height. You were slightly shorter than Lady Dimitrescu herself. You kept walking past him and went inside a room that was locked earlier.

You locked the door after yourself before putting the piles of books on the table. You sighed to yourself as you took a seat. You were supposed to arrive at Heisenberg's factory ten minutes ago, unfortunetly your mother had told you to run errands yesterday.
The only thing you had left to do was clean a few messes you had caused, like leaving paint buckets and books in random areas.

Meanwhile for Ethan he had managed to find a bedroom, your bedroom. He searched through to see if he could find anything useful, all he found was papers stacked on top of each other and a journal. He picked it up and flipped a page. He soon realized how completely different you were to Lady Dimitrescu and the others. Maybe you could become a useful ally?

You hurried over to your studio to write a letter to Heisenberg about your delay. When you suddenly felt something strange.
"Hello" said a voice, you immediately turned around to come face to face with Ethan himself.

"Look who's here, hello Ethan" you greeted, you were pissed that he had killed your sisters. You were going to hunt down Ethan and kill him before realizing, he wasn't fully in the wrong. Your sisters had done worse things than Ethan. You decided against killing him.

You levitated a chair closer to you as you motioned for Ethan to sit, he was reluctant at first but sat down anyways.
"I firstly want to apologise for my family's behavior, not really a warm welcome I take it" you said as you motioned towards the wounds in his hands.
"I need help in rescuing my daughter, your powers could become quite handy" he said. You gave him one look, he smiled in relief and held out his hand. You took it with a smile of your own as you two shook hands.

You decided to update the letter you were going to send, you wrote down your plan to help Ethan. You took out your little owl from a cage and strapped the letter to its foot, you then sent it away.
"Let's go and rescue Rose, follow me" you said before entering the secret tunnel.

Heisenberg had recieved your letter hours after, your owl had a hard time focusing on one thing but it got to him in the end. He had tried to find you, his trust for Ethan to keep you safe from harm was basically non-existent.
He luckily found you along with Ethan, Chris and Rose.
"Thank fuck" he said as he wrapped you in his arms.
"We need to move, now!" Yelled Chris as he held a limping Ethan. You motioned for Heisenberg to help carry Ethan while you held Rose in your arms.
Together you five ran towards the helicopter. Mia ran towards Ethan and gave him a hug, you handed Rose to them before sitting down beside Heisenberg.

You rested your head against his chest and wrapped your arms around him as the shockwave of the explosion hit, you would miss the centuries of paintings and poems but being able to leave gave you relief as well.

"You two are free to stay with us until you got a permanent place to stay" Mia suggested, you and Heisenberg looked at each other before turning your attention back to her.

"We'd love to"

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