𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐

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You didn't know how you came to be in a situation like this but here you were. A man were carrying you in his arms to gods knows where. The last thing you remember was playing some music on your guitarr in your house when a lycan broke into your home. You managed to get out in time before your house were flooded.

You didn't think they were close enough to hear the music so you risked it, it had been too long since you had heard any music so you were desperate when you had found the guitarr in your basement. How it got there you did not know. But you took your chances.

You remember hitting your head and one of them biting your thigh, hence the pain coming from those places. You grunted in pain, slowly opening your eyes.

"Quit whining, we're almost there" said the man.
"Excuse me, who are you to talk to me like that" you snapped, thats when you noticed the details of the man. The glasses, the hat, the gloves, the hair. This was no mere man, this was one of the four lords. Heisenberg.

Your opened your mouth in realzation, his face turned to you, his eyes couldn't be seen thanks to the glasses but you knew they were on you.

"I suppose I'm on my way to doom" you stated as a matter of fact which made Heisenberg chuckle.
"That depends who you end up with"
You looked at him with a "tf u sayin" stare.
"Pardon? Is this some kind of blind date setup I'm not aware of?"

He almost dropped you as the words hit him, it was obvious he tried to hold in another chuckle.
"I sure hope I get to keep you"
You decided to just stay quiet, what was this man's problem?.

You two later on arrived at your destination, where the other three lords were seated along with mother Miranda herself. You remembered your parents worshipping her, to you, she meant nothing. But now that you saw her in flesh and blood you kind of dropped a sweat.

Imagine if she could hear your thoughts? What if she knew how you felt about her? Would she kill you for it?

Your thoughts were interuppted by an odd fella with a hunchback exaniming you. Seconds later it was interuppted by the creepiest doll you've ever seen revealing herself behind the other fella "Move! I wanna see!" She said.

You nearly fainted but you managed to keep yourself together thanks to Heisenberg being there. He seemed the most normal and you did just have a talk with him.
You just closed your eyes until it was over, but you opened them again when you heard Heisenberg and the lady arguing, about you.

You managed to stand up even though you were attached to chains "Alright ladies, no need to fight over little ol' me-"
"Shut it" lady Dimitrescu snapped.
"Enough!" The voice of mother Miranda echoed through the room. You quickly sat down again to look small and harmless.

"My decision is final, Heisenberg, the mortal is yours"
"Thank you mother Miranda" he bowed before turning back to you. He slammed his hammer down on the chain keeping you to the floor before tossing you onto his shoulder.

You felt relief wash over you until you realized, he was known for making his victims play games. Deadly games. How can I entertain him and make him not want to kill me? You thought. That's when an idea popped up in your head.
"That hammer of yours, how did you make it?"
"With my powers, quite easy if you ask me".
He had the hammer slung over his other shoulder so you got the perfect view of the details. You had to admit, it was fine work.

"Just a question, you gonna carry me like this all the way to god knows where or are you going to put me down?" You asked, leaning your elbow against his back and leaning your chin on the palm of your hand. "It's quite the walk to my factory, I don't want to hear any complaining" he said sternly.
"Yes sir" you saluted. At that he put you down on your feet and began walking away.
"By the way, my guitarr-"
"It got destroyed sadly, although I can make you a new one if you'd do something in exchange" you thought about it for a bit.
"What would you have me do?"
"I'll tell you when you have agreed and has been given the newbuilt guitarr"
You were about to nod and agree until you realized how dumb you would be. He could want you to kill someone for all you knew.

"That's not fair-"
"Life isn't fair darling, is it a yes or no?"
"Fine" you sighed. If he wasn't so powerful you'd probably killed him by now.

After a long time your feet began aching, your shoes weren't the most comfortable.
"Heisenberg I don't mean to complain but-" he picked you up and tossed you back onto his shoulder.
"What did I tell you?" You stayed silent.

What felt like an eternity later you finally reached his factory, he put you down by a chair and pulled one for himself. You awkwardly sat down, leaning your back against the wall was like heaven.

You decided to make yourself comfortable, going back to your old house was probably not an option anymore and you had no life outside the village, except for an aunt but she hated you and your parents so that wasn't an option either. So life in Heisenberg's factory it is.

"About the guitarr-" a mechanical guitarr flew right onto your lap. That was quick.

"I have saved your life and replaced your guitarr, that makes us friends doesn't it?"

"I suppose so, as long as you don't kill or torture me" you joked, fixing the strings of the guitarr.
"I won't harm you, as long as you stay and keep me company. I mean you don't really have a choice, you're stuck with me darling" you looked up to find him smirking at you.

He had also removed his glasses sometime when you didn't notice but now you could finally see his eyes.
"That's reasurring" you said sarcastically.
"Now, why don't you play something for me?"

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