Chapter 19 - Unorganized Belongings?

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I got off of the bed I had been set on, tiptoeing and making sure not to disturb Kaito since he was probably exhausted from carrying me here.

I opened the door slowly, glancing back at the astronaut trainee every few seconds, confirming to myself he was asleep each time.

But as I stepped my foot over the doorway, I heard Kaito wake up and yell my name, asking where I was.

I expeditiously looked back at him, to see him now awake as if he was never sleeping in the first place. Had he been faking it..?

"Mind telling me what happened? You can't just leave me clueless here, and if Maki was choking you that hard then you must've done something."

I gave him a brief look of annoyance. I sighed and said with a defeated tone, "I didn't do anything, it was like as soon as she saw me she was trying to kill me."

I laughed and looked down at the ground, mumbling under my breath, "At least she's trying to do the work for me" Kaito looked at me with confusion on his face.

"You were just walking and then she attacked you? Yeah sounds like Maki for the most part. She did tell me she was trying to- nevermind."

My head perked up, looking up from the floor and at Kaito. "Mind telling me what you were about to say?" I asked, my voice slicked with slyness, putting on my mischievous smile.

Kaito sighed, knowing what he had just started. He knew if he denied to tell me, I'd keep bothering him about it for the rest of the week. He opened his mouth and spoke.

"About a week ago Maki told me she was.." his voice trailed off, I could tell he was unsure if it was ok to tell me what he knew. There was worry and sympathy on his face as beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

Kaito's expression suddenly changed and he glanced at the clock to see what time it was. Before I could stop Kaito from leaving he was already out the door, running to get away from me and trying to avoid telling me anything. I sighed, annoyed.

I just decided to go home and see Shuichi since he usually cheered me up. It only took one thought of him to fill me with joy.

Minor time skip

As I lifted my left arm to knock on Shuichi's door, it had swung open and almost hit me, but thanks to my reflexes I jumped back in time, dodging it.

Shuichi's face lit up with happiness and relief when he saw me. "Ouma-Kun!" He gently yelled as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a hug.

This was unusual, usually Shuichi was timid and quiet around me. Now he's more open all of a sudden? And it was right after I gave him my key, too..

He stepped back, a gentle smile still plastered onto his face. I examined him, trying to read his emotions. He seemed to have been worried about me all day?

He spoke again. "Oh uhm.. How was school? No one hurt you right?" he was back to being meek after his burst of energy. I stared at him, debating whether I should tell him what happened or not.

I began thinking of things that made me sad so I could start fake crying. It only took a second, and once I got sad enough and tears were welling up in my eyes, I started to yell.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! MAKI'S SO MEAN!! SHE ATTACKED ME OUT OF NO WHERE!!!!" I yelled as crocodile tears rapidly ran down my cheeks.

Shuichi jumped at my sudden outburst before asking me what had happened. "All I know was that I was just walking and suddenly a hand was wrapped around my throat and I was being choked to death"

"You're Alone Kokichi, And You Always Will Be" // A Saiouma Angst StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin