Chapter 6- The Farewell Party

Start from the beginning

Eliza giggled, "Well, thanks for coming, and you didn't have to get me anything at all."

Sirius waved her off, reassuring her that it was no problem.

After greeting the remainder of the guests, he sat down at the table and cut himself a giant piece of cheesecake. "Mmm, delicious, I'm guessing you made this Moony?"

"Yes," Remus blushed slightly, "glad you like it. And you could have told me you were coming back home, Sirius! One letter, that's all it takes. Just one simple letter. But how was Costa Rica?" He asked after calming down slightly. "Was it as fun as James always said it was?"

Sirius rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry Moony, you know I'm no good with writing letters. Besides, I was planning a bit of a surprise myself, although you all seemed to have done your own surprise party. And yes! Moony, it was amazing! The sun, the sea, the oranges! We shall have to go together sometime, do be sure to remind me. Now -" Sirius turned serious and moved his head to look at Eliza, waving his fork in air for dramatics, unaware of Remus, who had turned an even brighter shade of pink at the comment. "What's all this about moving to America?"

And so once again, Eliza explained about her new job offer and what that would entail. Once she was done, she looked back up at Sirius, who seemed to be in deep thought. "And how long will you be gone for?"

"Unclear at the moment, but Kingsley reassured me that I should be able to pop over when I get time off work or during the holidays."

Sirius seemed to contemplate this news even more before eventually grinning. "I'm happy for you Eliza, it'll be good to get away for a while, a fresh start. Heavens know it did me some good. And don't you start worrying about us over here, I know what you're like. A bigger worrier than Moony- who knew that was even possible." Sirius laughed as he grabbed a gift bag from under the table. "Now I do believe it's time for presents! You better open mine first!"

"No way, Black! I already asked to go first!" Shouted Ron from the other side of the garden. Eliza grinned. How did she get so lucky to find such an amazing family.

And so they all sat around the table once more to open presents. "This is from me and Charlie." Ron said, passing over a small brown package. Eliza tore off the paper to reveal a small pocket knife. "The edge transforms so that it can be used to pick any lock in the world." Ron had told her excitedly. Thanking them both for the useful tool, she moved to open the next gift. Neville had gifted her a self maintenance plant that came in a test tube looking vase. They would keep themselves alive so that Eliza wouldn't have to look after them all too much, which was definitely a good thing - Eliza was definitely lacking green thumbs. Bill and Fleur had given her a pair of beautiful handmade earrings. From Luna, she received a pair of funny looking glasses that she had called "Spectrespecs", they were supposed to make wrackspurts visible (whatever they were). Ron had loudly declared that Eliza looked like a demented, multicoloured owl when she tried them on, earning a sharp elbow jab from Hermione.

Theodore Nott had bought her a luxury stationary set complete with a leather journal and a stunning eagle feather quill. Molly had baked her a basket full of delicious treats to take with her on the plane, and Percy had got a book all about the history of MACUSA (which Hermione was looking enviously at). Ginny gave her a mini potions set that contained all the main, necessary ingredients for a potion and even a little potions step by step book, "just in case," she had said. From Fred and George, she was given a giant box of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes merchandise, fresh from the product line. Eliza was given the opportunity to be the first person to try them out.

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