Kai thought for a few seconds before speaking. He started walking as he spoke. "I came back a few days after I met you at the house." He began. "That guy— the one with the curly brown hair—"

"Ezra." Daisy spoke, with venom on her tongue.

He nodded with a slight scoff. "He answered the door, and then that Marzia lady showed up and drugged me." He shrugged. "They thought it would kill me, or something. I don't know. It didn't, obviously. So they just left me to rot in a cell where I had no access to magic."

Daisy listened to him talk with upturned eyebrows. She felt the urge to hug him. Firstly for coming back for her, and second because he'd been going through just as bad a time as she was— yet she was the one getting all the special care. She felt her arms twitch into a hug, but stopped herself, knowing it'd just be incredibly awkward.

"I'm sorry." Daisy let out, glancing at him and back to the floor as she walked along, wheeling the IV stand beside her. "How did you—"


Daisy nodded.


Daisy looked at him with a confused look, that turned into a laugh. The first laugh she'd let out in too long. Even though she felt the healing wound on her stomach begin to throb with pain, it felt good. Kai chuckled along with her, admiring the sound of her laughter. As the laughs died down, he continued. "I killed her." He nodded.

"Marzia?" Daisy questioned. "She's dead?"

Kai nodded, glancing at her and catching the sense of relief wash over her expression. "And I got her to give me some intel on how to get out of here." He shrugged.

She looked at him confusedly. "Out of here? Like—"

"Out of here as in back to the real world." Kai responded, he started walking down the hall again and Daisy followed.

The thought of there even being a chance that they could get home hadn't crossed Daisy's mind in years. She'd grown so used to the life here that it didn't even feel like a possibility anymore. "How will you do it?" She asked.

"Welllll," Kai began. "Tiny problem. Apparently the only way for the spell to be performed is if we have a Bennett witch."

"And we don't have a Bennett witch?" Daisy questioned.

"As of right now, no." Kai responded.

"And the chances that a Bennett witch ends up here—"

"Slim to none." He sighed.

"Right." Daisy said. She couldn't tell if she was as disappointed as she should be. The thought of even having a chance of going back was unsettling.

"But we've got all the time in the world to wait." Kai joked, but it ended up just sounding a bit more depressing than intended.

The two walked back into the hospital room, putting the unfinished game of cards away. Kai had left to pick up some food for them both as Daisy stayed in bed, her tired eyes glued to the tv.

She desperately wished this TV had a tape player, as she was sick of watching the same sitcom every night and just wanted to watch a movie. She glanced up at the IV that was wired into her inner arm, when she realized a blood stain was seeping through her hospital gown.

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