36// don't play despacito for the father-daughter dance

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"Oh, wow. You look-"

"Stunning? I know."

"I mean, yeah. Absolutely-"


"Wow." Victor leans in close to my face. "Cocky much?"

"You would be too if you looked this good." I pose in front of the mirror. The Glitter Monster maid of honor dress Cass had originally picked out for us didn't fit me anymore due to all the weight I'd lost. Instead, she chose to custom tailor one for me and now was my first time seeing it on. The pale pink fabric was made of smooth satin, shimmering in the light despite the lack of glitter. Though the neckline was a bit too low, the sheer long sleeves made up for it. Mom had done my hair for me, pinning the dark locks up in a low chignon, with flowers braided. 

"I look even better." Victor comments, stepping in front of me to admire his suit. I didn't want to feed his already massive ego and admit, yeah, he did look better than me. Cream button up tucked into black slacks, sleeves rolled, and fancy dress shoes? Call an ambulance because I was about to have a heat stroke from how hot he looked. 

"But we can all agree, I look the best." Ethan walks into our room, materializing out of nowhere. 

"Um..." We both look my brother up and down. If I thought his gold, black, and purple floral print silk button up from the night we went clubbing was bad, this was worse. Green and blue tiger print button up? Navy blue khakis? 

"What the actual fuck is that?" I ask, trying to make my disgust as clear as possible. 

"What?" Ethan looks genuinely confused, looking down at his outfit. "It looks good! In fact, it's from-"

"Let me guess- it's from the cover of Milan di Rouge, April edition?" I drawl. Ethan's scowl deepens. 

"You're all just mad I look sexier than all you motherfuckers." Ethan takes his place in front of the mirror, tugs at his god awful shirt collar, and runs a hand through his hair all while checking himself out. 

"This is our queue to leave." I mumble, grabbing Victor by the arm and leading him out the hotel room. 

Today was Cass and Leo's wedding day. Everything seemed to be going perfect so far- besides Ethan's ugly outfit. I had woken up extra early to help set up the venue on the beach. Let me tell you, setting up 15-foot wooden poles in the sand was extremely tough to do, especially when you'd just woken up and held nothing but complete anger for the world. 

Seeing as the beach was right across from the hotel, we only had to walk a short distance until we arrived. I was surprised at the amount of people already there; I recognized family from Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jonas to extended family, like twice removed cousin Anna and baby cousin Paul on my late uncle's sister-in-laws side. I also did not recognize a big majority of the people from Leo's side of the family. All I knew was that they all looked like Barbies and Kens, just like Haley.

"I did a pretty good job setting everything up, if I do say so myself." I say, proudly placing my hands on my hips. Eight wooden poles made up the corners of the dining tables with white veils hanging from all sides on either side of the walkway, which was lined with candles in the sand. White tables with beautiful flowers in the center were already filling with guests. The wedding altar was gorgeous, with white pillars wrapped in green vines and beautiful bouquets of flowers. Besides the seating was a large, wooden platform that would act as a dance floor. 

"Yes, indeed you did." Victor says while surveying the scene. "Make sure you do just as good a job at our wedding."


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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