Chapter 2, Orario and Reunion?

Start from the beginning

Fia looked at her brother with a worried face, she knew that both of them are fiance and that they were extremely close.  she was about to walk to her brother and hug him to lift his anxiety even by just a little.

At that time, they noticed another presence behind them.

"Umm, excuse me?" A female's voice called out them from behind.

The three of them jumped out in response.

"W-Woah?" The owner of the voice, a female wearing a waitress attire with light-grey hair watched in amazement as she saw the three of them instantly jumped out as if they are coordinating with each other and landed close to each other.

Beside her, a green-haired elf with the same attire moved in front of the other female as if to guard her. Her eyebrows rose at the exact timing when Bell, Fia, and Alaia jumped.

(They are not normal human, adventurer?)

"Who are you guys?" She couldn't saw their face because they are wearing a robe with a hood to cover their face.

Bell looked at each other and nodded, then he walked into the front, lifting his hood.

"Sorry to scare you, I'm Bell, we're new to this town. These two are my relatives. Fia and Alaia"

As Bell said that, Fia and Alaia also removed their hood.


The elf's face twitched when she saw Alaia's face, her entire body shook as she couldn't believe what she just saw. As if she just saw a ghost or something that shouldn't exist. She forces the word in her mind to her mouth.


Bell, Alaia, Fia eyes widened in shock. Alaia could feel her body trembled when she hears that word.

She tried to keep her composure, she sighs and gradually her heartbeat returned normal.

"What about my mother?" Said her, trying to dig for more information about the current situation.

Alaia is a smart woman, smarter than Alfia, according to Alfia herself. 

She deduced from the message that Uncle Zard and Mom Alfia left a few years ago indicating they two would do something bad. And from the response of the elf in front of her, it was a really serious matter.

"M-Mother? That person had a child?!" Asked the elf as if she doesn't believe what she just said, but deep down she knew that was the case, the Alfia in her memories and the person standing before her looked the same, but this one is younger and smaller.

"Umm.... Ryuu, calm down?"

"B-But, Syr!"

"It's okay, Ryuu, leave it to me" Syr gave a wink at Ryuu before turning her head back.

"Umm, pleased to meet you, I'm Syr Flova, this is Ryuu, Bell-san was it? You looked troubled back then, so I thought I called you, is something wrong?"

Bell looked at Syr with amazement, the girl in front of him went it and calmed the entire situation, and on top of that, she shifted the topic.

He smiled and changed his gear too

"Yes, thank you very much for calling us out, Flova-san. To tell you the truth we just arrived at Orario today, and now I'm looking for a job for Fia and Alaia, and if possible, a stay to place with cheap fees as we currently don't own much money. If you know such places, will you please introduce us?"

As a royalty, Bell was trained to handle diplomatic relationship for the future, as such matching Syr's tempo was an easy task to him.

Syr pondered for a while then as if she got any idea to do, she smiled and raised her index finger cheerfully

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