Part 6

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Louis' POV:

It's been about a month. I've not really left my room at Liam and Zayn's, so therefore, I've not been going to school, but Liam's been bringing me some work to do, so I'm not behind. I've actually written a couple of songs, but I abandoned them after a couple of tries singing. I've not got the best voice. I've got a lot skinnier, up to the point where you can see my ribs. All in all, I've been even more depressed than usual. I allow Niall to talk to me because he's the same 'breed' as myself. I've spoken to Marcel a couple of times because I know he's genuinely sorry for everything, the force eating, Olivia, the abandonment, all of it. According to Liam and Zayn, they are still with Olivia, but Marcel tends to ignore her. It's Christmas tomorrow, so that means today is my birthday and my mate has been chosen and now the moon goddess is waiting for me to meet them. Usually, she chooses someone a person is with, say a girlfriend or boyfriend but if they aren't then she'll choose someone they're close to or someone they're close to knows so the person isn't a complete stranger. Just so each of them is safe. I don't necessarily want to meet mine, especially not in the state I'm in. Maybe in a few months or so when I'm feeling myself again.

"Lou, bud, you up?" Zayn asked quietly through the door.

"Yeah." I replied at the same volume.

"Can we come in? Got you some stuff." Niall butted in.

"Yeah." I sat up in bed as they walked in with a few wrapped up things in their hands.

Marcel was with them, but he just stood by the door looking in. I gave him a little wave, and he waved back with a smile ghosting across his lips. Niall shoved a gift in my hands first with a happy birthday. I opened it, not caring if the paper got ripped. It contained tickets to go and see Arctic Monkeys in a couple of months, but it was in New York, which confused me it also contained some new snapbacks.

"You want a crumpet boo?" Marcel asked before I could receive another present.

"Half of one, please. With butter." I replied after some thinking.

"Good boy." That made me feel tingly inside.

Liam handed me a gift next, and it was plane tickets to New York and a few beanies. Zayn was next, but before I could open it, Marcel came back with my crumpet, which I took gratefully because I was actually hungry. Not eating for a few days makes you hungry surprise surprise. Zayn's present was a bunch of new art stuff and a travel case to put it in and a book called 'Spectacular minds' by Marcel. It confused me a lot because I'd never seen it before.

"Open it." Niall said, seeming excited.

So I did.

Hey boo,

This is my new book. I've been working on it for a while. I hope you like it. I was also hoping you'd come with me to promote it, hence the Arctic Monkeys tickets and the plane tickets.

Have a very happy birthday love,

That's what it read.

"You want me to come with you?" I asked, staring at Marcel, who was looking at me nervously.

"Yeah, but only if you want to." He replied with a small smile.

"Of course I want to. Thank you so so so much." I smiled properly for the first time in a while.

"No problem, now come give me a hug." He laughed and spread his arms out wide.

So I did. I got out of bed and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same thing. There was a spark of electricity between us, and I tensed, so did Marcel, but he ended up hugging me tighter.

"Oh, I thought this would happen. You ok with it?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, but how come I couldn't smell you?" I whispered back.

"I have absolutely no idea, but who cares?" He chuckled.

Well, that's my plan down the drain.

Next day,

"Louis, wake up. it's Christmas, and we would like you to come downstairs, please, so you can say goodbye to people before we leave in a couple days." Marcel coaxed me awake. He stayed last night.

"By saying goodbye to people, you mean show Harry and Edward I'm okay and let them stare at me all day, right?" I said croakily into the pillow.

"Uh yeah. Olivia's gonna be there too. Sorry." He informed me hesitantly.

"What!?" I yelled in a really high pitched voice.

"Jeez, don't wake up the whole street. Calm down. I won't let her go anywhere near you." He reassured.

"What about the other two? You want to mate together, right? So what if they're my mates as well?" I asked, now sitting up in the bed to look at Marcel who was putting on a sweater.

"You got a point there little one. I have a spray that'll cover your scent but not theirs, so you'll have to control yourself." I'm not very good at controlling myself, Marcel.

"Can I wear your clothes? If you have spare." I asked him.

"Sure." He grabbed his bag of clothes and took out his Disney hoodie and yellow shorts, then gave them to me before leaving to allow me to change.

"Maybe we'll make it through forever." - Liam Payne

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