12 august 2012

24 0 1

Age 16:

I wake up and see Harry hovering over me.


I yell a bit, startled by the fact hes been watching me sleep.
He just shrugged and yanked me up and just left the room with me hanging off the side of my bed.
I screw up my face and get out of bed to get changed and move all of my stuff out of the house to move in with Charlie.
I really didn't want to do this but I couldn't get out of it any longer.

I find Harry sitting on the couch waiting for me, and I plopped down next to him.

"I don't want you to go though" he says looking at me with his big green eyes. "I know, I don't want to leave you, but it'll be fine" I try to say sounding reassuring but it wasn't going well.

The time passes and eventually all my stuff is gone, and I actually have to leave.
I try not to cry but I see Harry already is so I loose it aswell.

I hug him and don't let go. I'm scared of what will happen when I leave. I'm scared of what hell do to me,

We break off and he says, "I love you so much madd, it's a shame I have to live alone now without you" I can only nod "it's too bad you can't come with me, but I love you too haz"

I see Charlie's car come up and get in it before he driver off to my new home. I place I wasn't looking forward to

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