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Louis and Liam had walked back to their cabin buzzing with excitement after their eventful evening, their chatter not stopping even after they'd both crawled into their beds. Liam had finally drifted off at around one in the morning, muttering something about Zayn's eyes for the millionth time, but Louis had laid awake for another hour at least, insides churning with worry about the scale of what he had committed too. It's just... he doesn't want to let them down. He's less concerned about embarrassing himself and much more unsettled by the possibility of messing up and costing the crew their gig.

Harry and Zayn had continued to reassure him that he could do it, that they could do it, and it had filled Louis with confidence. Harry had acknowledged that it wasn't going to be easy and they'd both have to put in a lot of time and hard work, but that he had faith in Louis too, both in his natural abilities, which Harry is sure he can use as a foundation to build on, but also in Louis' determination.

Their rehearsals will have to be in secret, of course, as Flanagan would likely frown on one of their guests being embroiled in such an escapade, especially for a performance at a competitor's hotel. Louis doesn't like the idea of lying to his aunt and uncle, but he's reasoned that he's technically just having dance lessons, albeit for a very specific purpose.

At the exhibition dance, he'll need to hide his omega status too, as The Clarendon hotel also doesn't allow omegas to work there. Zayn said he'd give Louis some neutralisers, even though he doesn't really understand all that, never having had the need to use them, but Zayn said he'd sort it out, so he'll just have to wait and see. It's honestly frustrating how behind the times these establishments are, but it's a small price to pay to secure the crew's income.

Breakfast the next morning had been relatively subdued, Louis and Liam both exhausted from their late night at the party and their whispered conversations so deep into the early hours of the morning. Maryanne and Lionel weren't faring much better themselves after a night of excess at Cards and Cocktails, their indulgence having left them both with nasty hangovers. They hadn't even bothered to prod for details about what he and Liam had spent their evening doing, happy to just hear they'd had a good time and were enjoying the vacation. When the staff had come around with their clipboards to gather sign-ups for the day's activities, all four of them had waved them off, opting instead for a lazy day. Liam had said they were just going to spend time on the lake and maybe go on a hike if they felt up to it. Maryanne had just smiled from behind her dark sunglasses and that had been that. And when Arthur Flanagan and Henderson had done their rounds, Louis could barely even muster a fake smile.

Now, Louis and Liam are making their way to the staff quarters to meet Zayn and get started on Louis' training, working on some basics at first before Harry joins them later when he's finished with the private lessons he has booked in the resort's dance studio.

Zayn had told him to wear loose-fitting clothing in layers that he could remove as he warmed up and then put back on as he cooled down. He's opted for his red and white tracksuit over the top of a white long-sleeved t-shirt and soft black cotton shorts, with a sleeveless grey undershirt and low sided grey briefs under that.

A thrill zips through him as he wonders how many of those layers he'll need to remove, and what Harry's reaction might be if he makes it down to his undergarments. He knows he's got a nice body; curves in all the right places and an ass that consistently attracts attention. But he's not used to wanting to use his assets the way in which he wants to when it comes to Harry.

Their farewell after the party had been sweet but charged. Harry just has this way of looking at him, bottle-green eyes so deep and alluring, that makes his skin feel like it's on fire with want and need. When Harry had cradled his face in his hands and kissed Louis' forehead he'd practically melted into the floor. It was such a tame goodbye and in such contradiction to their sexually charged time on the dance floor, but it was somehow fitting; respectful and soft, sure and strong, and the promise of so much more to come.

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