So Much Better Than It Is Today

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Natasha Romanoff x Reader

High school AU, Song fic: Paradise By The Dashboard Light

Words: 5,640

Warnings: A LOT of jump cuts, sexual themes, arguing, swearing, bad decisions, not my best work, a little angst. The ending is kinda fucking stupid. Not proof read.

Request: No. (It's a challenge)

A/N: So this was for s challenge, but with me being, well me. I forgot about it. Cause I'm a hot ass mess. So here it is now. I hope you like it, it's not my best work, but I tried. Its 50′s themed, but with modern values. But not really, It's hard to explain. Just read it, and it should make sense... hopefully... Natasha's a little OOC, but there's a reason for that. Originally written as FxF, but could totally be read by anyone.

Summary: You swore that you would love her until the end of time.

The cold night air streamed against the cherry red metal of the parked Chevy. Stars littered the black sky, the moon reflecting on the rippling waves.

"Sam did not do that!"

"No, he did. I was there," you said, nodding your head. "He was too busy flirting with the waiter, to notice Bucky drinking his milkshake." you chuckled the scene replaying in your head, acting it out to the best of your abilities for her. "Once he found out, he grabbed Bucky's milkshake. Y'know, to drink his instead. But, Bucky being Bucky, wouldn't let him have it. So they started this tug of war for the milkshake, ending with Sam pulling too hard, and splashing it all over the waiter he had been flirting with... and, so that's how Sam got kicked out of, Jarvis'."

Natasha laughed, "But, what about, Bucky?"

"He went home with the waiter. That's why they're not talking right now."

This caused Natasha's laughter to increase, doubling over in her seat. You following her lead.

"Hey, you know, Steve?" you asked.

"Yeah." she nodded, fully immersed in what you had to say. "The used to be skinny kid, turned jock-artist. What about him?"

"He was the waiter."

Joyous laughter poured from the lone car, parked by the vast lake. The smell of nature, and the sound of crickets leaking through the small crack of the open window.

Settling into easy conversation. You found yourself enjoying her company more than you had ever expected. No longer able to pay attention to what she was saying. Watching her face contort into many different expressions. Liking every single one of them. Thinking how lucky you were to be sat here right now.

(Nine hours ago)

You walked down the semi-crowded halls of your high school. Books in hand, backpack slung over your shoulder. Your eyes staring at your destination in front of you. To say you were nervous about what you were about to do would have been an understatement.

"Hey, Natasha." You got her attention, drawing her away from her friends. Your own watching you like halks from behind you. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." She shrugged, following you to a clear part of the hall. One where neither your friends nor hers could hear you. "What's up?"

"Umm, so, I was wondering," you started, some of your nerves coming through your voice. Much to your dismay. You coughed, regaining some of your confidence. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? No? Okay then." you replied for her. Turning on your spot, about to walk away from her. When she reached out and grabbed your elbow stopping you, turning you around to face her once again.

Natasha Romanoff x Reader Oneshots/Mini-SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now