The Warp Villain glared at the students, "Although you may have no choice, only a fool would form a plan in front of an enemy!" Then he charged at them.

Tanizaki and No. 13 took their own stance, "That's because we don't mind you knowing!" Then No. 13 activated their quirk.

Sucking the villain's shadowy material into their Quirk: Blackhole.

*With Todoroki*

"Scatter and kill us, huh?"

Todoroki let out a breath of cold air, "I feel bad for saying this, but you all look like you don't know how to use your quirk."

He glared at the thugs who were trapped in ice, most likely gaining frost bite.

Then he started walking towards one of the villains who's eyes were filled with fear, "T-this guy...the moment he he really a kid?"

Suddenly a villain came charging at Todoroki with a staff.

Fortunately, the teen was able to catch the staff, freezing the villain easily.

After thinking for a minute, Todoroki turned to the villain next to him, "You know, if you stay here like this, your body tissue will slowly die. But I want to be a hero, so I'd like to avoid doing such a thing."

Then he raised his hand to a villain that was tearing up in fear. He glared at the thug coldly.

"On what basis do you think you can kill All Might and toy with Oracion? Tell me your plan."

*Mountain Zone*

Denki pointed at a villain in fear as he tried to punch the teen. Denki narrowly escaped, "How Scary! I seriously just saw heaven's gate!"

Jiro, using a sword, pushed back a villain as Kaminari continued to complain "Who are these guys? What's going on?"

She glanced at Pikachu 2.0, "Worry about that later. We need to find a way to get out of here."

As it turned out, Momo, Jiro and Denki were completely surrounded by thugs.

Denki turned to the girls, "Give me a weapon too then!"

"You're an electric guy, just electrocute them!" Jiro retorted.

Then Kaminari replied, "Hey! Didn't you see me during battle training? I only cover myself with it! I can't control electricity. It will hurt you two! It's the same as Todoroki. Even if I want to call for help, they're jamming it."

Jiro glared at him and sighed, 'Where's Macbeth when you need him.'

Denki looked at his classmates with a serious look on his face, "Listen you two, I'm of no help! I'm relying on you!"

Jiro's eyebrow twitched, "Aren't you a man?"

Then the same villain charged at Denki, once again, him nearly getting hit with a powerful punch.

However, when Denki dodged it, Jiro kicked him in the back, pushing him towards the group of villains, "Okay then, Human Stun Gun!"


Kaminari face planted into a villain and suddenly he and the villain was surrounded by electricity, the villain being electrocuted.

Denki looked at Jiro with wide eyes, "It's working. I'm so strong! Rely on me, you two!"

Jiro sweat dropped, "You're so easy..."

She glanced to her right, spotting a villain coming towards her. She used her ear jacks, plugging them into her boots and created sound waves, taking down the villains.

Momo, using her quirk, created a capture net and caught the villain that jumped up into the air.

All four of the villains were now caught up into Denki's electric field. Being electrocuted.

Momo went back into her fighting position, "Be serious, you two!"

"Sorry, I thought it would be a good plan." Jiro responded.

'Kyouka Jirou. Her quirk is Earphone Jack. By inserting earplugs, she delivers the sound of her heartbeat at maximum volume. She can also catch micro sounds.

"Kaminari, you should've designed your costume so you can control the range of your power." Jiro said frustrated.

Then a villain came charging at the girl from above, thankfully she was able to dodge him without being cut.

But the villain attack again before she could react.



Yo! It's Insomnia Kat

I finally updated!

Yay me!

Cliffhanger hehehe.....

Don't worry! Jiro is fine.........or is she ^.^

*Fairytail, My Hero Academia, Bungo Stray Dog, and other references I use are not owned by me*

Midnight Sky (Bnha)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ