A New Source: 2

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"Whatever it is, we need to close it, I have a feeling more like him might come through it." Prue said.

"How are we gonna do that?" Paige asked.

The portal glowed then four women with tales shot through it with a lot of water, it closed up and disappeared as they crashed on the attic floor and flooded it in the process.


"They're hurt." Phoebe said.

"They have to be after that landing." Paige said going to them.

"Hey, get away from me, who are you?" The platinum blonde mermaid exclaimed, her wide blue eyes conveyed fear and caution as her pink plump lips formed into a frown.

"We aren't gonna hurt you, I can heal you." Paige said.

"Yeah right." Rikki said.

"They have an accent." Piper whispered to Phoebe and Prue.

"South African?" Phoebe whispered.

"No, Australian." Prue whispered back.

"How did you four get here? Do you know anything about that portal or those blue Vikings?" Prue asked.

"You know the blue vikings?" Emma asked, she had long golden blonde hair and freckles.

"So they know the Vikings." Piper said folding her arms.

"What are they, why are they after us?" Phoebe asked.

"We don't-"

The three Vikings from the moon cave appeared in the room.

"Not them again." Prue lifted herself in the air with her telekinesis then forced them to their knees then Piper froze them.

"The big one isn't freezing." Piper said.

"And I can't hold him." Prue said.

Paige orbed away his sword then took off his head.


"I know, Phoebe summon the sword, we have some time." Paige said.

"Flames of hell, the fiery sword that spins in heaven and cuts deeper, lift the flames and smite this creature." Phoebe said and sword made of fire appeared in her hands once more.

"Phoebe." Prue said then lifted the sword out of her hand with her mind, she then vanquished each of the vikings with it.

"Show off." Piper said as she landed.

"What? I was dying for a rematch." Prue said.

"Me too." Paige said high fiving her.

"What are you people?" Cleo asked.

"We're witches." Paige said.

"You four are obviously mermaids, where did you come from?" Piper asked.

"Mako island." Bella said.

"And where is that?" Prue asked.

"The Gold coast, Australia." Cleo said.

"Where is here?" Emma asked.

"San Francisco, California." Piper replied.

"America!" Emma exclaimed.

"Alright, it's time for us to stand up." Rikki said then used her powers to dry herself and her friends completely, their tales disappeared, they stood up, they were wearing bikinis.

"Oh wow." Paige said.

"Super hot mermaids, come on we'll find something for you guys to wear, you must be freezing." Phoebe said.

Charmed By The Mermaids Of Mako Island: The Rise Of Genesis Where stories live. Discover now