"Great, does anyone know if Blue blood comes out?" Piper asked.

"Better question, since when are there blue demonic Vikings?" Prue asked.

"On my way to the book." Phoebe said, just then the headless Viking got up then grew two heads and two extra arms.


It growled then grabbed Piper and unleashed his howl.

"Piper!" Phoebe, Paige and Prue yelled in unison.

They took up one of the swords and ran it through the creature, it dropped Piper who immediately tried to blow him up.

"He's not blowing up." Piper said breathing heavily.

The creature ripped out the sword then threw it at then, prue stopped it with her mind then used it to take off the two extra heads, it fell to the floor with a loud thud splattering blue blood everywhere.

"I don't think that was a good idea." Phoebe.

"Me either, but it bought us some time, to the attic." Prue said.

They ran up to the attic.

"I don't wanna be that witch, but we've seen everything in this book, that is definitely not listed." Phoebe said as Piper searched the book.

"Then we come up with a power of four spell." Paige said.

"You read my mind, hold hands." Phoebe said grabbing Prue's hand, they all connected hands.

"Its coming." Piper said as they heard the Viking running up the stairs.

"Repeat after me. Your blood is blue your heart is black, we call to the depths of hell, or wherever evil habitat, to the darkness we send you back." Phoebe said.

Her sisters repeated the words just as the beasts bashed on the door, it suddenly stopped then screamed and there was a loud blast.

"Wow, quick thinking." Piper said as they disconnected hands.

"Yeah and here I was thinking we were getting a little rusty." Paige said.

Just as they were about to walk away the beast appeared behind them in a cloud of black smoke then slammed them to the floor with a massive tale, the viking had morphed into a massive half snake half man creature.

It had long protruding claws and teeth.

"What the hell is this thing?" Paige exclaimed.

It was about to lunged at them when Prue shattered the window behind it with her mind then impaled him with the shards, it shrieked then roared.

She helped everyone up.

"Okay, beheading doesn't work, power of four doesn't work, what do we do?" Piper asked blasting the creature continuously it was almost completely unaffected.

It knocked over a candle and started a fire it jumped then backed up.

"Did you guys see that?" Phoebe asked.

"Hell yes." Prue used her mind to move the fire towards the creature it shrieked then spat a slimy liquid from its mouth and outted the flame.


"Fire is its weakness, we just need more of it, a lot more." Piper said.

The creature swung its massive tale and slammed Piper to the floor then ran down on the others, Paige orbed out with Phoebe who was closest to her, it unleashed its howl before Prue could use her powers then grabbed her throat.

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