Chapter 2

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"They are monsters, Annabeth. Don't let their human features fool you." Chiron said sternly. Today Annabeth had ever so casually asked Chiron about merfolk during their studies. He was always so vague when giving warnings about them, she wanted to learn more, but he was insistent that she didn't need to know anything about them other than to stay away.

It had been two weeks since she freed the merman under the camp's dock and Annabeth was still keeping that information private. She couldn't stop thinking about it, though. Despite all that Chiron said, she couldn't see how someone as afraid as that boy could have malicious intentions. After all, not all demigods are heroes, so why should she label all merfolk as villains?

And that's how she ended up walking along the beach every evening, watching the waves and looking for a tail. She knew the chances that he would come back were low, especially after getting stuck in a net last time. But a part of her hoped he would return, then she could prove that there are good mermen out there.

After the 15th night of this, Annabeth began to lose hope. But that evening, as if he had heard her thoughts, he showed up. He didn't come very close to shore, but standing on the sand she could make out his face.

He looked different above the surface. His hair was dark, curly, and stuck to his forehead. His eyes were wide again, but this time she saw no fear. He stared at her, and she stared right back. They stayed like this, simply in acceptance of each other's presence, till they were interrupted by one of Annabeth's siblings. "Annabeth!" Malcolm yelled across the sand. "It's time for capture the flag!"

"I'll be there in a minute!" she yelled back, turning her body to face him for only a moment. When she turned back towards the water, the boy was gone.

. . .

The next time he appeared, Annabeth was sitting on the canoe dock. The beach had become her favorite spot, a place she could escape from all the noise of camp. Tonight, sitting there had proven to be an excellent choice.

The sun was setting on the horizon, covering the water in blinding light. A splash to her left broke the silence and caught her attention. Shielding her eyes from the rays, Annabeth was able to make out a shape in the water some 15 feet from where she sat. It moved towards her until it was just a few feet away, and she recognized that it was him.

Once again, they sat in silence looking at each other. What else is there to do? Annabeth thought. She had no clue whether or not merfolk could understand English, but after a few minutes she decided to give it a shot.

"Hello," she said softly. He looked startled, but didn't swim away. She took that as a good sign. "My name is Annabeth." He swam closer to her, as if accepting her friendliness. "What's your name?" He was now close enough to touch. Despite her better judgement, she found herself reaching out her hand.

For a second he looked at it like it was a foreign object, but then his eyes met hers and he brought his own hand out the water, gently grabbing Annabeth's. His hand was cold to the touch, but she didn't mind. He ran his fingers over her skin, examining each finger.

Finally, his lips parted and he replied, "My name is Percy." Oh gods, his voice, was Annabeth's first thought. It was smooth like the ocean on a windless night and its softness reminded her of a rose petal. He continued playing with her hand as he spoke. "You're warm."

Annabeth couldn't help but let out a light laugh. "Well, you're freezing." Percy looked up at her with a slight frown on his face. "Everything in the sea is colder than you," he replied. She felt herself blushing. Of course anything living in the water of the North Atlantic would be chilly, the water was freezing year-round. Annabeth couldn't believe she had made such a stupid comment.

Her face must have given away her drop in confidence, because he gave her a small smile. It was lopsided and absolutely adorable, and she found herself blushing even more. He didn't seem to mind though.

Annabeth stayed on the dock with Percy until she saw the campers from the bonfire returning to their cabins. With much reluctance, she left him in the water and went to find her siblings.

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