Keeps Me Numb Just For The Night

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Remington stood on a football field, he'd never even been to one in real life before-- only movies that he'd watched with Andy on his phone sometimes on a Sunday-- but somehow his mind was able to do this for him. 

He was wearing a black dress, holding a piece of notebook paper in his hand with a shovel at his feet. He was alone on the field, the fact being one of the first things the teenager noticed because he hated being alone. It reminded him of the time his father once had locked him away in a closet for a week in isolation and he was so sick and tired of being alone by the end of that week. He's surprised he didn't walk out of that closet with serious issues, but Remington seemed to be fine if you asked him. 

Looking down at the black ink scribbled on the page, Remington read "Dig your grave, sinner." Cringeeee. The boy rolled his eyes to the sky and screamed a swear in defiance, a loud roll of thunder being the only response he got. 

"I'm not fucking doing it," Remington said haughtily. The sky flashed with lightning followed by a boom of thunder, illuminating the yellow field goal at the end of the sports ifeld. Two bodies were strapped to the goal, one person on each prong. The faces of the people made Remington's stomach sick. 

Emerson and Sebastian. 

Thunder cracked again through the sky, the loud boom now accompanied by pouring rain that drenched Remington's dress in seconds and matted his stringy hair. 

"Okay, okay, I'm digging! Soulless bastard," Remington agreed reluctantly, keeping up a sassy attitude even though he was scared shitless again. He'd do anything to spare his brothers' lives. That was a wrong move, his father hated it when he was defiant. He should've known that htis was his father's game. 

"WATCH YOUR TONE!" the sky boomed. 

Remington's eyes widened and he bent over to pick up the shovel hastily, a crack of thunder making him jump as the rain ran into his eyes, blinding him temporarily. His eyes stung, this wasn't regular rain. It smelled funny. 

Remington blinked the substance out of his eyes, letting them water. Lightning flashed over Em and Seb's faces and Remington thrust the shovel into the ground, pushing down and digging up one shovel-full, flinging it to the side as he pulled it from the earth. 

He kept working in the rain, fueled by the dangerous positions of his siblings. But he quickly grew tired, his muscles aching as he became lightheaded and dizzy for some reason. It was this rain, it smelled wrong. That was the only explanation. But if it was the rain, what was the rain? 

Remington worked endlessly but the small rectangle was only 3 feet deep by now. His body gave up on him and he sat down. 


Remington was too exhausted and far too weak to respond in any manor, slumping against the ground at the edge of his shallow grave. 



Remington groaned and curled up on himself, his arms outstretched in front of him. His mind was begging him to just sleep. He heard a clicking noise and opened his eyes in time to see the entire world catch fire, his brothers becoming human torches. The rain was gasoline. Fire was born on his flesh, searing his skin and making him scream bloody murder. He didn't stop screaming, the fire spreading over his whole body in less than a second, his body seizing and convulsing in the heat. 


Remington's muscles constricted and then released, picking up a twisted cycle that wasn't doing anything to help the teenager. He lost control over his movements, falling into his grave as a flaming, screaming, wreck of a person. 


Remington shook, his screams doing nothing to drown out the sound of his father's words in his head. His skin began searing off, black chars of his flesh being all that became of the boy. 

Remington wakes up with a start, panting and his heart thumping loudly in his chest. His skin felt hot yet clammy, his bandages soaked in sweat and his eyes red and puffy. He still felt hot and tired, like the dream was real to an extent. 

"Shh, shh, Rem it's just a dream," Andy said softly, holding Remington in his arms. Andy wasn't a soft or gentle person, yet he was always careful with Remington in the most loving way possible. 

"I-it was so real Andy," Remington stuttered. "It's always s-so real..." his voice broke. 

"It's just a nightmare baby, it's okay. You're with me," Andy comforted, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Andy's skin was cold, soothing. Like Remington was the fire and Andrew was the ice. Rem nuzzled his face into Andy's coolness, letting it numb the burning in his veins. He needed a distraction, and he think he just found it. 

"Take off your shirt," Remington muttered as he tugged at the dark fabric. It was a command itself, but Rem wouldn't speak to Andy in an ordering voice unless he was trying to be kinky. Right now he just wanted more of this coolness. And Andy obliged, a quizzical expression on his face as he lifted his shirt for Remington to press up against the demon's body before the article of clothing was even completely off. 

"Remmy what the fuck?" Andy laughed, letting Remington wrap him in a hug, curling his neck around Andy's. 

"You're so cold," Remington mumbled like it was the perfect explanation for everything. 

"Ooookay then," was the only response. Andy placed his chilled hands on Remington's arms, causing the younger boy to shiver and groan. He thanked Andy by kissing his boyfriend's neck and back, sucking contently on the pale skin while trying to erase the horrors from behind his eyes. Andy gasped but said nothing in objection. 

After nearly an hour of just sitting there being kissed and given a huge mess of hickeys, Andy finally spoke up. 

"Remington, why are you so into this? Aren't you tired? I mean you had a nightmare, I wanna help however I can baby," he said softly. 

Remington hesitated before answering. "I am tired," he admitted. "But you're so cold, and my nightmares are so hot, you... keep me numb, physically. Just for the night." 

Andy nodded, falling back onto the bed so he could lay down. Remington followed him, this time attacking right under his jaw and down his chest. His mouth was tired from so much usage but he didn't stop until he fell asleep with his jaw opened around Andy's throat, his tongue still pressed against a purple bruise he'd left. Andrew wished he had some way to help, but he was useless. He could only be there for Remington. He knew things that Rem didn't, thing's that hurt him to know. Things Rem would find out soon enough. 

They stayed like that for the rest of the night. 

A/N short chapters because yes 

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