Intro: My Dreams Become My Nightmares

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A/N story based off of the song Nightmares by paypal royal.    --sage x 

Pov: Emmy <3 

I watched thick snowflakes swirl through the cold air outside from my place on my chair by the window Remington and I shared in the church, upstairs where my family lived. My father was the Pastor so we held residence in the space above the church, a small loft with one bathroom. 

I used to share a room with my brothers, Remington and Sebastian, but Sebastian moved out when he was 18, last year. He went off to collage, that's all our father cared about. He didn't want to go, but that's where he's at right now anyways, as far as I know anyway. He doesn't talk to us. My mom hasn't even called him since he left. 

It's probably best that way. Remmy will go to collage too someday, and so will I. It's not to be debated on. 

I looked back at Remington, who was laying on his small bed and staring at the ceiling with his hands folded behind his head that was probably thinking about Andy. Andy Biersack. He's a skinny kid who dresses in all black and has a weird haircut. He comes to church on Sundays because his mother forces him to, and he pretends to hate it but I know he likes going because he gets to see my brother. We don't go to school or get out in public much, when we do go into public it's on a short imaginary leash. Sundays were how they hung out. And his birthday was coming up soon, they usually snuck out behind the church on that occasion despite the snow everywhere. 

They seem to have something going on between them, my brother and him. They act more touchy than friends, and Remington blushes when I bring him up. It's wrong. They shouldn't like each other, they're both males. It's unnatural and sinful. But I cared about Remmy, and I wanted him to be more holy so he wouldn't get punished as much. He already had several scars over his back from being whipped, we all did, but I didn't want him to have more. He's the most rebellious of the three of us, but still not too rebellious. All I could do was pray that he wouldn't get any more sinful, and pray that our father never found out about his crush on Andy. 

The snow just continued to fall and we just continued to sit in silence. 

*** get yeeted through time by thanos, it's now December 26th on a Sunday *** 

I woke up to the sound of fabric rustling beside me, cursing myself for being awake. I liked to sleep. 

I forced my eyelids open, blinking a few times as I looked around the dark room in search of the cause of the noise. Sometimes Father woke us up for things, it made relaxing a little difficult. But that was okay, to relax is to be lazy and uncaring that God was always watching. 

My eyes fell on a figure in the dark, squinting to see Rem getting dressed into typical clothes for us, a crisp white button down shirt and black slacks. I glanced to the alarm clock, confirming that it was early. 5:32 am to be exact. 

"Rem, what are you-" I yawned and sat up. "what are you doing? It's five in the morning." 

In the darkness, I could see his white teeth gleam and his eyes twinkling. "It's Andy's birthday today." 

"It's 5 am," I repeated, sleepily narrowing my eyes at him. 

"Yeah, I wanted some extra time to get ready," He told me, lightly stepping over to the mirror and grinning into it as he fixed his hair. 

"Remmy, be careful," I warned him, my voice uneasy. "Don't do anything sinful... he's a guy Rem..." 

Remington just turned around and made a face at me, smirking before sliding onto my bed. "Don't worry little bro, a little sin is okay." 

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