12: honest recovery

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Y/n: "I think we missed breakfast daddy"
Draco: "actually it's only 6:48"
Y/n: "what!?"
Draco: "Blaise probably just said that so we'd hurry up"
Y/n: "oh... Should we go then"
Draco: "in a bit, you can't walk anyway hahaha"
Y/n: "hmph..." We cuddled in bed for a little bit until Draco spoke
Draco: "... Do you feel pretty today darling"
Y/n: "why does that matter?"
Draco: "like I said yesterday, treating the illness not the symptoms. So, do you feel pretty?"
Y/n: "...no"
Draco: "why not?"
Y/n: "I guess... My stomach is still ugly, my legs are fat and I lied to you"
Draco: "your waist is tiny, too tiny, not ugly; you legs are definitely not fat, they're actually very slightly muscular; and you made a mistake, that doesn't diminish your value or your right to eat"
Y/n: "but it makes me feel better like a penalty for failing you"
Draco: "you can't fail me darling, I want you to be happy and healthy, but I know recovery won't be just a straight upward line, as long as the line of best fit is up I'm so proud of you."
Y/n: "do I have to eat breakfast?"
Draco: "not if you feel you absolutely can't"
Y/n: "will you let me exercise?"
Draco: "no potions and you do it with me"
Y/n: "when?"
Draco: "I work out in the gym 3 days a week. Tuesday Thursday Saturday."
Y/n: "but how will I burn the calories I eat!?"
Draco: "exercise will be to get fit and strong, not to burn calories. I won't let you go and run on the treadmill the whole time"
Y/n: "...okay"
Draco: "I'm proud of you darling. Do you think you can eat a little now?" I nodded my head which made him smile and in turn made me smile. He stood up and lifted me and I automatically wrapped my legs round his waist. Then we walked towards the great hall, luckily he let me down before we went through the doors so we didn't attract unwanted attention. But I was still practically lifted off the floor by his hand round my waist.

Avery: "y/n! You two are finally here... What took you so long, did you do something" she wiggled her eyebrows at me
Y/n: "what of cou-"
Draco: "there's a reason I'm basically holding her up"
Theo: "ooooooooh you nasty"
Blaise: "why do you two always fuck in our room!? Can't you go somewhere else"
Y/n: "hey, stop it!"
Draco: "alright, come on before she transforms into a tomato"
Avery: "fine fine... We're so lucky today they're serving pancakes"
Blaise: "everybody dig in!" As everyone started stacking pancakes with sugary syrup on their plates I tried my best not to think about the immeasurable number of calories in them. I stared at them for the first 5 minutes then finally put one on my plate. Another 5 minutes later I put a small piece I cut up in my mouth. It was good but I got scared knowing Draco wouldn't allow me to throw it up or exercise for hours later. I tried eating another bit but after that I couldn't anymore. I looked up and saw Draco smile at me, I remembered what he said so I just chatted with everyone for the rest of breakfast.

Between lessons Draco would come and walk with me and as soon as classes were over he took me to the library and helped with the usual reviewing and homework I do. I ate half a plate of fried veg and half a roast potato at dinner and when Draco caught me sneaking away to go run he spelled out hands held together and we walked around for 15 minutes before he dragged me, literally, to my dorm. I had been getting a little better and stronger throughout the week and it was lucky since Faith told me and the girls we had a game against another school. I practiced with Draco we would fight to get the golden snitch and like 5/10 times I actually beat him. Today was Friday, Draco made me eat breakfast and lunch since he didn't want me to faint mid air. pre game Faith was leading us in warm ups as we watched the stands fill. Draco, Avery, Blaise and Theo said they'd be in the first row of Slytherins stand.

The crowds were roaring as we flew out into the arena. They were particularly deafening for us since the overwhelming majority of onlookers were from Hogwarts. As I hovered in the spot Faith suggested for me, I glanced down and immediately spotted my friends, if it wasn't an unspoken law those seats belonged to my senior popular friends I have no doubt they'd kicked away anyone their in the first place. I waved at them and they waved back and I span 360 checking out the rest of the stands, slightly in awe and slightly in fear at the mass of people, and the reliance on my position suddenly dawned on me. A whistle took me by suprise and I saw above me the players suddenly bust into aggressive competition. I should've been following the snitch but got distracted. Stupid. Suddenly, I felt quite small -not literally no short jokes! - as the violent encounters clashed around me it was never like this in practice but I guess I am the only one who's never seen a quidditch game before. Suddenly a glint whooshed past in my peripherals and I span so fast towards it I almost gave myself whiplash. I had to get on its trail as fast as possible. Flying towards it a white and orange opponent swooped in front of me 'you're also a distraction, the opposition will try to stop you getting the snitch' I remembered Faith's words.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang