Yes I'm a chair #4

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 Yes I'm a chair

Chapter 4


Any Living organism has brain.

Objects on the other hand don't, or at least that's what you think.

Well I can tell you as a matter of fact, we do!

One would assume the bigger the object, the bigger the brain.

My brain is located in my back rest; it's a large disk shape rather like a gazette.

 So here I am with my big brain being ordered around my saucepans whose brains are no larger than contact lenses. There radius varies with their handle size, so those ones with the small handle's have a brain no larger than one that occupies a pencil sharpener or your earrings, (Rather small earrings at that!) so why an earth are they in charge?


My 4 senses

1.       The sense to feel.

2.       My sense to hear. Not all objects can do this, but thanks to me being a chair means, I'm partly made of fabric which absorbs noise.

3.       My sense of sight. Like animals 'every object eyes are positioned in different places, also like animals' where are eyes are helps to identify are rankings. Animals' have predator and prey, we have 'witness's' and 'movers'.

·         The 'witness's' like the title suggests don't move they witness, their eyes are positioned at the front.

·         The 'movers' will it's a tad obvious don't you think? If you haven't glued on yet... They can move! Their eyes vary as the category includes toys. Most chairs fit into this category.

4.       Common sense. All objects are blessed with common sense, so one day we will rule the world!

Freaking out?

Are you freaking out?

Are you freaking out, because you now know were watching?!

Are you freaking out, because you're worried your T.V might run off? Well don't worry T.V's are 'witness's'

Are you freaking out, because you feel bad for chucking your toy's in the air when you fought they could fly? Don't worry I'll tell them to be nice!


Unless you have a mouth you can't talk!

Even if you don't have a mouth, you can 'speak' if you're an object!

The ins and outs of chairs (and other objects) are unknown to you humans. We are awfully more intelligent than you think.

So back to communication, I can't speak but I can 'speak' into my fellow objects minds. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a mind reader. It's just like talking without the mouth part!

Objects don't speak to people, don't be silly!


There You go guys the next insight into the life a chair!

Please Vote if you like it! (As this is in the watty awards now!!)

Thanks for reading, Amelia.

Vote, Fan and Smile :D

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