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Hannam Park

Since Sehun and Hayoung are living at the same area they agreed to meet at the park at their house area.

They currently doing the fyp.

"I'm still confused to do this sketch. How to do it?"

"Same goshh. We need to go there first. I can't even illustrate the shape" Sehun said with his frustrated face

"You're very serious in this"

"For sure this is fyp. Since I'm not into study, this is my only hope"

"What you will be?" Hayoung suddenly asked since their concept fyp is relate with it.

Sehun shrugged. He don't even know what he likes.

"A human beings" Sehun replied

"Ahh right.. Now I'm talking to the fish" Hayoung make a face

Sehun laughed. He never see this side of Hayoung. Hayoung starts to show her true identity.

"Then what about you? Your father's company?" Sehun asked

"I don't know. Will see.. Em.. Sehun-ah, what do you want the most? I mean what kind of are you will pursue in future?"

Sehun taken back with Hayoung's sudden friendly mood. He feel something different but he don't know what it is.

"I like dancing. I like to dance. But it's impossible. I don’t really know if it’s just a hobby or something that I really want because if I really want it, I’m ready to pursue it. Right?" Sehun confessed.

He even confused with his life. No one even asked him what he wanted in his life. And Hayoung is really the first.

"There is nothing impossible in this world. So you kinda like to be Kpop idol? Interesting. Yahh imagine! If you're and me will seeing you dance on the stage. Heoll daebak!!!" Hayoung said loudly

Sehun stared to Hayoung. He smiled without he knowing.

"Andd yahh I will sell your personal life like about what kind of person you're to your fans. God this is so interestinggggg" Hayoung continued

Sehun gigled. "What kind of person I am, Oh Hayoung?" Sehun asked.

"Annoying. Crazy. Aroggant. What's more? Oh talk without thinking. There is so many and all are bad"

"Wow, you hold this grip for a long time, is it Oh Hayoung?"

"Yes, why?" Hayoung replied back

Sehun laughed. He don't know but he loves to see it.

"Then, what about you? What do you want the most?" Sehun asked

"There's only one thing I want..."

Sehun lifted his eyebrows waiting for Hayoung end her words

"It's secret!" Hayoung giggled

Sehun annoyed. "Yahhhhh. Keep up your work!"

"It just something. Something that I cheer the most. That's it." Hayoung chuckled.

'What does she want to do?' Sehun thoughts

They continue to do their work and suddenly there was the sound of a car horn towards them. Both of them give a look.

"Ohhh, it's Suho!" Hayoung said

Sehun stared at Hayoung's excited face.

"Yaaaa! What do you want?" Hayoung shouted loudly

Sehun chocked to hear her voice. Another side of her revealed.

"I just want to tell you. After you finish the fyp, you have to come to my house. My mother makes mudfish soup. It's for you!"

"Ahhh your mom is home? Okay, I will! Where do you want to go??"

"Yes, she went this morning. I want to go the store. See ya!" 

"Drive well!!!!" Hayoung stood up watching Suho's car pass away

Sehun just watched them from earlier.

"How long do you know Suho?" Sehun asked. He's really curious about these two.

"Over 11 years? I know him since we was 7." Hayoung answered

"How well do you know each other? Is you really know him?" Sehun really have a lot of question. He's been questioned about them for a long time.

"Well, to say I know everything about him and there's still things I don't know. I think it's enough to say that we're friend to share something like feelings?" Hayoung said

"Waittt.. What? Do you like each other?"

"Stupid. I mean when we have hard time, we share our story and what kind of we feel. Not that feeling!"

Sehun laughed. "You need to speak straightforward, don't use double meaning." Sehun defend himself

"You're the one who cannot think"


Hayoung laughed. She feel so happy today.

Sehun and Hayoung happily spend their time doing their fyp.

Suho's house

Hayoung had dinner at Suho's house. After dinner, Hayoung excused herself went home. Usually Suho and Hayoung will hang out at rooftop but today she is tired.

Suho stared blankly at his ceiling room. It's raining tonight. He really don't know what to do.

'Should I text Chorong?'

'But why whould I?'

'Is she a good texter?'

'What should I talk to her?'

'Will she like if I text her?'

A lot of things were playing in Suho’s mind. And it's all about Chorong. This girl literally lives in his mind. Suho couldn't denied it that he been thinking about Chorong since the day they went to Hanam.

*2 Notifications*

Text from Park Chorong
Sorry to disturb.. I want to tell you there is mistake about our project. But since the due is tonight, I will send our draft first, later we'll fix it.

Text from Park Chorong
Good night☔☔

Suho chuckled at the last message.

'Tell me Chorong, you just wanted to send that one' Suho smiled

Suho suddenly feel a butterflies in his stomach.

Chorong's house

Chorong rolled over on the bed. Yes. The reason why she send the text for Suho is just to wish him goodnight.

'Park Chorong! You stupid. Is he will know?' Chorong wondered if Suho will suspect something with the message.

'He's better not.'

'Is he will ignore me? Oh god please help me.'

Chorong's phone suddenly buzzled. It's mean there was text notification coming. She felt so nervous

*Incoming 3 notifications*

Text from Sehun On Top
ㅋㅋㅋYou must feel bored todayㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Text from Sehun On Top
Well, I felt so happy^^

Chorong sighed. 'God, you always listen to me but always send the wrong one and always this man'

Chorong put her phone side her bed. She felt so disappointed. She thoughts she will received at least one text from Suho. The rain began to stop. She decided to go sleep.

But then. Chorong didn't know that she overlooked something big. Something she wanted the most.

Text from Kim Junmyeon
You too. Sweet dream🌂

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