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Oh Hayoung, a fierce girl who makes everyone not dare to friend with her.  However, it just a people sense. Oh Hayoung is very soft girl, she also fun but not everyone know her humor sense. She is anti-social person. She don't know how to make a friend. For sure she got some hate especially from other girls well that is life. Her visual is no joke, she is really popular not only among boys but also girls. Oh Hayoung is sure have everything; come from super rich family. Her only friend is Kim Junmyeon.

Kim Junmyeon or best known as Suho, a best male friend with Oh Hayoung. They have been friend for 11 years. He is kind, when it comes man with a manner, he will the first one. Suho is type of not taking care about other people life. If people hate him then go hate, he really don't give a damn. He is really good-looking boy; for sure he owns many fangirls.

Oh Sehun, a rich boy but act so humble. His name really resemble his looking. A super handsome boy famous with well-mannered and kind hearted. He rarely smile and always have a poker face on but he actually a friendly boy. He don't really own all his rumors but one of his might be true and he got a reason. (FIND OUT!) He might have many friend but his only friend is Park Chorong.

Park Chorong, an ordinary girl and independent person. She is beautiful girl. She is close with Oh Sehun. She is not rich like Oh Sehun but  that is not a reason they become friend. Many people talk bad about her being close with Sehun as they are not equal. But that not make it stop. Park Chorong is really concerned with other people talk about her surrounding so she is really careful with her act and word. She also known as well-mannered girl. She have a crush on someone but she keep it silently. (FIND OUT!) Park Chorong might not be popular like other pretty girls but she also owns her fanboys.

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