Oikawa and the new In-Laws

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Background: Oikawa's sister is getting married but wants to elope. Featuring evil mother-in-law and father-in-law.

"Tooru! Your phone won't stop ringing. Can you come and deal with it?"

Oikawa walked up and took the phone, his face expressing clear annoyance with the caller.

"Hello, what can I help you with? Oh married. She won't tell me why? Oh, I see. You want to set up the wedding because she hasn't. Does she know? You want this to be a surprise. What should you- hey. I can't talk now. Call me between 7-10 am your time. I'm in practice. I'm sorry that was rude. Yes yes. Goodbye." -Oikawa hung up.

"Who was that?" -Coach

"My younger sister is getting married and the witch mother-in-law is planning the wedding for them since they plan to not have one. In short, they are going to elope and obviously don't want her there. I have the dates and location but she doesn't." -Oikawa

"That must suck." -OC 1

"Yeah, I'll deal with it later."

Around two weeks later he gets a call from the same mother-in-law. Apparently, her husband is arriving tomorrow and wants to spend the week together.

Well shit. Can't deny her now.

The next day he was at practice when someone was apparently waiting for him outside. His face showed a look of 'are you kidding me, now.'

He was taken to the gym by a security guard. Their eyes met and Oikawa faked joy, rather sloppily the team noted.

"Hello Mr. Akichi-san. How are you?" -Oikawa

"Fine. I hope you didn't forget your manners." -Akichi

Oikawa bowed, and he returned the bow.

"No, I have not. What are you doing here?"

"Your younger sister is manipulating my son into putting off the wedding and I was wondering if you and I could come up with some ideas for the wedding that my wife and I are planning for them."

"I would be delighted. But was it necessary to come all of this way to do so?"

"I also wanted to get to know you better. Maybe it would shed some light onto why your sister is the way she is."

It was getting harder to fake his expressions when this man treated his sister like that. Luckily, the apple rolled down a hill away from the tree. The son was nothing like the mother or the father.

"Of course! Let me get changed and shower. Shouldn't take me more than an hour. Until then why don't you settle into your hotel."

"Ok, lets meet at the xxx cafe. In two hours. I'll give you extra time. I'll wait the extra hour for you there."

He was pointing out that he was going to be late. How rude.

"See you then."

He walked away and as soon as he was gone, Oikawa let out a groan.

"You ok-"

"I fcking hate him."

Oikawa left and met at the cafe in 45 minutes. He pointed out that he waiting for him for 15 minutes. The game began.

The week was torturous for Oikawa. He had to bend to his will because he knew that anything bad he did would be reflected onto his little sister. His little sister also apparently had no idea that the Akichis were planning a wedding or even in Argentina.

Don't get her wrong. Oikawa's sister could scare a grown man but she also had manners. She was sweet and super nice. She was a little sarcastic and her jokes were super funny but not very appropiote. When she was mad, which was hardly ever, she was mad and spoke out about it. She already told Akichi off many times but, oh well.

Oikawa wanted the last laugh but Akichi was intent on making their opinion towards his younger sister clear. They didn't like -no- they hated her. Not only that but he poked and prodded Oikawa about staying in Japan instead of a country like Argentina.

The dreaded week was finally over and Oikawa dropped Akichi off at the airport. He called just before he boarded the plane.

"This is goodbye till the wedding Tooru."

(He also called him Tooru despite his requests not to.)

"Yes. One thing you should know."

"What is it."

"The date and location for the elope are set in stone and I am invited. I will be so happy to see them smile on their wedding day. Their smiles will be even wider with you two not there. Goodbye Ak-i-chi-san~"

Oikawa hung up and started laughing like a madman in the cafeteria. Several teammates asked if he was ok. He just couldn't stop laughing.

He finally got the last laugh.

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