Butler Akaashi

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Background: Akaashi (like 15) is a butler and protects the young master Bokuto (he's like 10). They are attacked and Akaashi does his job with some fluff/action (fighting kinda) after.

Warnings: violence (non-graphic)

The glass above them shattered and the lights went out.

Bokuto hid under some furniture as there were thuds above him.

"Bokuto-san move!" -Akaashi

Bokuto climbed out and ran to a wall and got behind a statue. The lights flickered on and he saw Akaashi using a knife to fight the many attackers.

Akaashi grabbed a man's arm and sliced all the way up the inside of his arm. Akaashi turned around quickly and stabbed a man in the neck.

It kept going on like this for many more minutes. So the group of 8 or so attackers were dead.

Akaashi walked over to his young master Bokuto, he kneeled down and bowed his head a little. He had blood on his face, arms, hands, and chest. Most of it wasn't his. The only blood that was his was his split lip and a cut in his cheek.

"Come Bokuto. We must be going. You have a meeting." -Akaashi

"Ok. Let's get going and tell mom you aren't responsible for this mess."

Bokuto glanced over at the men who tried to kill him, they are now dead thanks to Akaashi.

"Of course. Would you like me to carry you?" -Akaashi

"Yes, but don't tell."

"Of course Bokuto."

Akaashi picked up Bokuto and they left the building.

When they arrived at the building, Akaashi set Bokuto down and the younger grabbed his finger. They walked into the building towards the dinner table. Bokuto sat down and Akaashi moved to leave but Bokuto tugged at his coat.

He made a silent plea not to leave him alone with them. Bokuto was young, at this table he was a wolf's prey. Akaashi was his own lone wolf to protect him. Bokuto isn't weak, it is just that the men here often look down on Akaashi and his staff as a whole.

His staff (made of the fukurodani VC) were
ex-military or have fighting expertise so they aren't really used to being maids and staff in general. Bokuto still loves them and finds them much better staff. He wanted protection and friends rather then unfeeling staff who gives him whatever he wants.

Bokuto likes to think that Akaashi and he were owls in a world of animals trying to eat them. His staff were too. Bokuto was a great horned owl and he was a snowy owl.

(Ik Akaashi's name means a different owl. I just like snowy owls more. They are my favorite.)

Akaashi pulled up a chair and sat down next to Bokuto but he did not eat, it wasn't proper. Though it would take time before Bokuto understood that sentiment.

Finally, someone spoke up about Akaashi being there.

"What is a lowly servant doing at this table? Leave."

Akaashi did not move, he followed Bokuto's orders only. No one else but Bokuto. Akaashi looked to Bokuto when he tightened his grip on the older's jacket.

"Servant! Leave us! This is no place for someone like you." The man gritted out.

"I do not follow your orders." -Akaashi responded simply

"He shall stay. He is my guard, my helper with finances, and he is my trusted ally and friend. He shall not go." -Bokuto spoke

Bokuto was the heir to a large company of many things like toys, weapons, technology, and a few hospitals. He got into the game early when his father got sick but his mother runs the companies now till Bokuto is ready.

She would prefer him to have more of childhood before doing this but with her running the company, people had less respect. They followed orders and had trusted friends she relied on. The Akaashi family was one of them.

They served the Bokuto family since the beginning and are completely loyal to them. That's why Akaashi goes with Bokuto everywhere, protection and a friend to share memories with in weird sort of childhood.

The man at the table motioned for a guard to remove Akaashi. Bokuto moved his hand from Akaashi's shirt to his wrist. Giving him signal to protect himself if he is touched in any way.

When a guard touched his shoulder he grabbed the hand and slammed it on the table and stabbed it with a fork.

"Back off or I will have Akaashi retaliate and fight back. Harder." -Bokuto warned.

The guard left to his post again. Akaashi was still covered in blood so he looked very scary and threatening. The dinner returned to idle chatter.

The final course came and went with Bokuto and Akaashi leaving the table, towards the exit. Bokuto looked at Akaashi.

"Let's go to the kitchen, you must be hungry." -Bokuto

"It is ok Bokuto-san. I am fine." -Akaashi

Never the less they went to the kitchen which required a maid's help and Akaashi ate his dinner there.

Bokuto preferred to spend his time around servants, even if it wasn't their own home. Servants had more life to them, not fake or trying to impress. They were normal people not born with such high expectations and Bokuto liked that. They were much more fun to talk to as well. Though that attitude towards him may change as he grows in physicality, mentally and in power.

It was getting late and the pair was just arriving home.

They were helped out of the carriage by Suzumeda who picked him up and hugged him.

"Hey, how was your day?" -Bokuto

"Fine Bokuto. Let's get you to bed." -Suzumeda

Bokuto didn't like being called master, every servant called him by his last name, he gave permission to use his first name but no one did. They could add any ending but they couldn't add -sama to it.

Konoha put the carriage away and Suzumeda prepared the bath.

After a long bath Akaashi put him to bed with a soft goodnight. Once he was asleep Akaashi left for his room -which was smaller and next to Bokuto's- and got ready for bed, washing off the blood from earlier in the day.

Before he got into the bath there was a knock on the door. He opened it to find Suzumeda with some scents and a wash cloth.

"I'm helping you, come on. I'll wash your back."

"It's fine really."

"Come, you need to relax for once."

Akaashi smiles to himself and follows Suzumeda to the bath. He really needed to relax.

It was around one in the morning when Akaashi finally went to bed. He was almost comfortable when he heard a soft knock on the door. He opened it to find Bokuto in his pjs sweating a little.

"May I sleep with you?"

"Of course Bokuto-san."

Suzumeda and Shirofuku found Bokuto's bed empty and him in Akaashi's arms in a protective embrace.

A/N: idk his but this is kinda inspired by black Butler. Mostly from an artwork of young Bokuto holding maid Akaashi's finger. This is one of my favorites

It's by sugarpoison on Instagram.

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