Hybrid Goshiki

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Background: Goshiki is a cat hybrid who gets bought by a man who owns a collection.

Warnings: some violence, not really. 

I happily stan cat boy and michevious Goshiki, sue me.

They walked towards the cage.

"He wears a shock collar since he enjoys causing trouble. It's in his genetics but he is very good at god intended purpose. He is also incredibly rare, only a few of him. Perfect for your collection."

The men looked at Goshiki. He had cat ears and a tail. The top of his chest was on the floor and his thighs were on a chair. His legs were in the air, his tail swishing around gently. He was clawing at the wooden floor, creating indents.

"I'll take him."

"Hey! Get up, it's time to go!"

The man shocked him and Goshiki flinched.

"There will be no need for that."

Goshiki lifted his chest off the floor using his arms. He licked his lips and put his bare feet on the floor. He was wearing black shorts and a black top to match.

"Treat him nice."

"Yes sir. Treat me well." -Goshiki

The buyer attached a leash to the shock collar. They walked outside to a sports car. Goshiki sat next to the man and leaned on him. His head on the other's chest.

"I collect rare hybrids such as yourself. I have a lizard hybrid named Tendou, a white Eagle hybrid named Ushijima, two guard dogs named Yamagata and Semi, another cat named Shirabu and Kawanashi, and two fox hybrids named Osamu and Atsumu. An owl hybrid named Bokuto with his handler named Akaashi. I also have a snake hybrid named Kuguri and his handler Shibayama. There are more but those are the ones you will meet in your wing. Each person has a room and gets fed. Rooms that have a red handle are off-limits and if you require your needs to be met then told will be supplied to you. I will have parties throughout the year and you will go to them. You will be given some clothing options. Remember, you are a part of my collection, if you have concerns come to me."

"What is your name?" -Goshiki

"It doesn't matter. Call me Master or Sir."

"Yes, Master."

The drive continued until They arrived at a large estate. He was ushered in and taken to a room. He met his guard dog, Yamagata (who is also rare). Apparently everyone in this wing had with Yamagata or Semi to watch them on certain days.

As he stayed there he realized that everyone was sweet. The Master's wife was sweet and she had every hybrid call her Auntie. She took care of them and she inherited the collection when the Master passed (though he was only 35 or so), and their daughter (who also loved the hybrids. They called her sister per her request) was to take over when they passed.

Goshiki stayed at the sanctuary. He was only 16 (he was 10 when he was purchased) when the Master's brother came. The brother hated how they were treated. They were "soulless and disgusting creatures" who "deserved to be in cages."

The brother was to stay for two months with his own wife and daughter, who didn't share the same sentiment. But they still weren't allowed to interact with the hybrids.

However, the two young ladies would "get lost" with the Master's wife and daughter and happen to be playing with them. 

One night the Master's family and the brother's wife and daughter left for dinner. The brother stayed since he was tired from the events earlier in the day.

He became irritated and snapped at people. He was meant to be on his way to his room but went towards the wings that held the hybrids. He was allowed to go there but could not hurt them. Nobody could hurt them.

Kuguri was on a couch, fully stretched out and hanging off the side with Shibayama next to him on the couch, watching him.

Kuguri was a snake hybrid, he was venomous and could kill but hasn't since his handler was there. (Handler is a fancy word for a person in a relationship with them. They are there to calm down and keep the hybrid in check if there is a history of violence.) He could split his jaw like a snake, a very flexible back and bones, had fangs, slit eyes, quick reactions, and had scales on certain places.

The brother walked past them and Kuguri looked up. Watching the man eye Shibayama. He pulled himself up and wrapped his arms around Shibayama.

The brother kept walking and saw Goshiki making a mess in the next lounge room in the wing.

Goshiki had his thighs in the couch cushions and his chest in the air with his arms on the table, playing with slime and glitter.

"What are you doing, cat?"

"None of your business, human." -Goshiki smirked.

What? He liked messing with people. He never messed with the Master's wife, no one did. They didn't want to make her cry.

"What did you say, cat?"

"Goshiki, please. I am doing what one percent of people can do."


"Minding my own damn business."

The brother walked over and punched Goshiki in the back. His arms buckled and he groaned. The brother grabbed his head and pushed his cheek into the slime.

"Clean it up."


The brother ripped Goshiki's thighs from the couch and threw him to the floor. He started hitting and punching Goshiki who fought back.

The brother got a hold of the shock collar's remote and moved back. He turned up the switch to the max and flicked it on. Goshiki screamed. Kuguri and Shibayama came running in.

Kuguri lunged at the brother and tried to get the remote back, which was still flicked on. Kuguri was about to bite him before he was stopped.

"Get off him."

Tanaka and Yamamoto, both guard dogs who stayed behind, got Kuguri off the other and got the remote. It was flicked off and Goshiki collapsed.

The brother was taken to his room.

When the Master arrived home Yamamoto was waiting to tell what had happened. 

After that, Goshiki and Yamagata shared a room while the brother was there. Kuguri wasn't allowed to see him and the brother wasn't allowed with the hybrids alone.

A/N: I like this one but it feels a little incomplete. I am definitely writing a backstory for Kugushiba next.

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