Suddenly Bailey pulls Eve down to hear. "I want you to play switzerland today alright? I don't trust these women together in one room." Is all she whispers before walking away having Meredith and Eve look at each other before walking up to them. The brunette furrowing her brows. "Why exactly do I have to be switzerland?" she whispers to herself.

They come to a halt. The women is talking. "I was just checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the intern-"

"Intern you requested? He did." Meredith speaks up making all three attendings turn to them.

The women nods before turning to Eve. The Asian women feeling slightly intimidated. Derek doesn't like that. "And who are you?" The brunette raises her brows. "Switzerland apparently." She mumbles making Derek despite the situation and Burke chuckle lightly.

"I-I mean I'm Dr. Lee. Dr. Bailey decided to throw me into the mix." She finishes with a nervous grin. "Nice to meet you." She ads hoping to not make the women hate her. But she just smirks putting her hand out. "I'm Dr. Addison Montgomery-Sherpherd." The nervous grin is like frozen on Eve's face her eyes widening not knowing to react. "Hi." she squeks out. Oh boy she whispers making the uncomfortable Meredith nod in agreement. Know I know why I'm switzerland.

It's gonna be a long day.


They're in a room with a pregnant women. Julie who has TTTs.

"Define TTTS" Addison asks in a strict tone while looking at the ultra sound.

"Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins." Meredith answers.

"Connected by?" She continues raising a brow. "Blood vessels in the placenta." She replies quickly. The brunette is biting her lip. Not liking the tension going on.

"Meaning?" Addison asks looking up. When Meredith struggles to answer she turns to Eve. 

"Dr. Lee?" The brunette glances at Meredith. "One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both. Twenty-five percent of twins share a common placenta, and approximately 10 percent of those twins develop TTS." she replies making the attendings eyes widen lightly.

"Really good. I'd expect you to know that Grey." At that scolding Eve's smile slightly drops turning into a grimance. SHe starts chewing her cheek as they leave the patients room.

"I could've answered your question if you would've given me a chance." Meredith tells her in a slightly offended tone making Eve slightly fear that a fight is gonna occur. What would switzerland do?

"Chin up, Grey. I'm this tough on everyone, not just the women my husband sleeps with. Order an ultrasound for her and pre-op labs in full." Addison only replies seemingly less intimidating in a lighter voice. At that Eve let's out a reliefed sigh.

"Dr. Lee." the brunette turns to look at the taller woman. "Yes?" "The fact on the TTTS where did that come from?" Addison asks curiously. "Are you interested in neo?" she continues. The brunette shakes her head but quickly stops. "Well actually I'm interested in everything haha I read articles and books about all kind of medical stuff in my free time." she quickly replies not wanting to upset Addison.

She squints her eyes. "How about I show you around neo today. I wanna see what else you got." The brunettes eyes widen. Did she like seeing new things? Hell yes. Did she like spending time with a gorgeous intimidating wife of her best friends might be boyfriend? Not really.

"O-oh y-yeah sure. But I'm supposed to be on Dr. Shepherd's service today. The other Shepherd I mean." She laughs uncomfortably snd glancing at the blonde who just nods at her giving the okay to go. Addison smiles. "Don't worry I'll let my husband know that you'll be with me. Come on."

Surviving | grey's anatomyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora