Chapter IV

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A pause.


"Pipeeer..." The boy on the bed groaned, "Please tell your phone to shut up..."

Said girl peeled her forehead off the notebook, lifting her hands and wriggled the sleepiness out of her fingers. She glanced at the device her hand had been rested on, and quickly opened it up to see 4 missed texts;

Annabeth: heyy

Annabeth: you ready to go?

Annabeth: im waiting in the courtyard

Annabeth: ur probably asleep ughh don't make me break in

Piper: is tht not whata were doing in the first place

Annabeth: normal you would never make that many spelling mistakes

Annabeth: so ur definitely just waking up

Piper: thanks for being an ass

Piper: its too early for this

Annabeth: if by early u mean 1 am then yes, it is too early for this

1am? She quickly got up and kicked the bedpost, to the discontent of Nico (who was sleeping on it). "It's time for a midnight break in, kiddo."

He lifted his head and something akin to pain flashed through his eyes before he responded, "Okay, first of all, I'm 15, so shut the fuck up. Second, seriously? It feels like I got no sleep, let alone 4 hours."

She glared at the boy, gathering her notes and putting them in the bag. Piper noticed him looking at her questioningly. "I don't need someone breaking in and finding all this stuff, especially the time travel bit." It was funny how that had just become part of her everyday life now; time travel, that is.

It gave her something to focus on as the duo stepped out of the dorms and made their way to the courtyard. Why did her nose bleed when she used it too much? Over exertion, probably. But that didn't explain the weird visions of a storm... Although...

What if Annabeth was right? What if this, everything we are doing, is bringing the storm here faster?

That was odd too; the newspaper she had seen had clearly stated October 11th, meaning she had somehow predicted the future... or at least, a version of the future. Maybe she could have found out more if Beth hadn't grabbed her shoulder-

That's stupid. You could have been crushed by the Lighthouse again, or worse! Don't go blaming it on Annabeth, you égocentrique-

Suddenly she felt a hand on my shoulder, and snapped around, only to see Nico staring at her concerningly. "Sorry, sorry. You've been standing by the door for a while, you kinda zoned out." He said quietly, as to not wake anyone in the girls dorm.

Sorry... "I- I mean, sorry."

Nico opened his mouth, but his jaw quivered before closing, apparently deciding not to say anything more. They tip-toed out of the building, and slowly made their way down the steps while Piper pulled her phone out.

Piper: where r u exactly

"I knew you were sleeping!"

The two nearly jumped out of their skin when none other than Annabeth Chase herself popped out of the bushes. "What- Was that really necessary?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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