Chapter II

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Piper stood in front of Nico's dorm room. Her hand was raised in the shape to knock but she hesitated.

It's not like he's gonna believe me...

She had been doubting herself all morning. But Nico was one of her good friends here, and she figured he had a right to know about her time travel power.

Worst case scenario, I could backpedal and say I was kidding.

I guess I could literally backpedal too now...

Her decision was made for her; the boy opened his door, looking as tired as ever, and nearly leapt out his window when he saw her. "Piper! Jeez- wha... what'd ya wan?"

He was out of it, she could tell. "I need to talk to you. It's, uh, really important. And urgent, that too!" He waved her on sloppily. "No- it needs to be in private."

Nico cocked an eyebrow. "Is this you trying to make a move on me? Cause I'm not interested."

She chuckled, "No, but seriously-" Piper grabbed his wrist and started to shove him back in his dorm, "-This is important."

The di Angelo shrugged. "Try me."

Piper fiddled with her fingers a bit. Now that she was here, the task of admitting the truth was so much harder. "I'm, no, I, er, well... I don't know how to explain this but-"

"Your gay?"

Piper choked and stared incredulously at him.

"I knew it! Don't worry, Pipes I've been waiting months for this shit-"


"-Ever science Bianca introduced me to you I knew, 'that bitch gay'-"


"-Like come on, they way you dress, the way you act around her, you totally had a crush on her-"

"I can rewind time!"

Nico stopped his ramblings. "...What?"

She sighed. "It's a long story." And she went on to explain yesterday. The guy deserved to know, and since the Vortex Club was now on their radar, it made sense to explain that he (Octavian) had a gun. She glossed over the Annabeth bits, just saying that they had caught up with each other, and came back into detail when describing the visions.


Piper looked up hopefully. "I know it sounds crazy but... It's true."

The boy sighed. "I don't know... What if you're just crazy and-"

"What if I'm right and everyone else is wrong?"

"Fuck, I-" He shook his head, "-I don't know what to believe."

"Then don't. Just know that I will use whatever it takes, including this power, to get your sister back. You... You deserve that much." Piper stood and walked out of his dorm.

"Wait!" She turned back. He held out what looked to be a very expensive camera set. "I know you prefer analog but..."

Her jaw went slack. "This, no, I can't-" he shoved it in her hands. "Fine, my god... thanks."

He smiled before they went their own way, Piper checking her phone.

There is no way he bought that. I shouldn't have... I'm not rewinding. If there's anything I learned in school, it is that time and/or space is very finicky. Best avoid rewinds, at least until I figure this out for sure.

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