Faith's pov
Me, Rosa and Jem ran to y/n when we saw her fly headfirst into a tower and fall to the ground, leaving Nat to continue the drill. Once we reached her she was sitting up already which I thought was promising but then she said.
Y/n: "lub I guter witch"
Rosa: "you're a witch?"
Faith: "y/n how many fingers am I holding up?" I showed 1 finger, she squinted and replied confidently
Y/n: "ders frour fringers"
Jem: "she's concussed alright"
Faith: "I'll take her to the hospital wing"
Jem: "no I'll do it you two carry on practice" she went to pull her up but y/n wouldn't take her hands
Jem: "y/n give me your hands"
Y/n: "burs a witch ill fryway"

/// Wanna try translate concussed y/n?///

Rosa: "right come here" she grabbed y/n's hands and the golden snitch fell to the floor, y/n quickly broke free and grabbed it again. Looking slightly angrily at Rosa
Jem: "she got the snitch... She got the snitch!!"
Rosa: "it's only been 20 minutes! She's amazing!"
Faith: "maybe we don't need to continue practicing after all hahaha"
Jem: "hahaha right then, y/n Faith will put the snitch away safely give it to her and come with me" she hesitantly handed the snitch over to me carefully then let Jem help her up. Luckily she did because y/n tilted over on one side as soon as she was on her feet, luckily she's small or Jem would've struggled helping her zigzag towards the hospital bay.

Y/n pov
I was sitting on a bed in the medical wing, miss Pomfrey and her assistants tried to make me lie down but I felt fine I had a bit of a headache but it would be easier if everyone stopped mumbling. The nurse and her assistants came back again and stared into my eyes it was funny how they all stared and I couldn't help but giggle. Then a familiar voice came from behind me.
Y/n: "baby! You came back from your trip, you should've seen me at quidditch practice they made me the seeker and I caught the snitch!"

Draco pov
I was walking with Theo and Blaise to the common room from the school trip when a girl saw us and started coming towards us
Theo: "umm hi? Your Faith right?"
Faith: "yeah hi, Draco y/n's your girlfriend right"
Draco: "that's right"
Faith: "just so you know just now she kinda flew into a tower at practice and is in the medical wing a bit concussed" god can I leave this girl alone for one minute with her getting injured hahaha.
Draco: "oh right thanks, I'll go see her" I told Blaise and Theo to go without me and I went back towards the ward to see my clumsy baby girl. As I reached there I saw Madame Pomfrey checking her and suddenly y/n giggled god I missed her voice even if it was only 2 days
Draco: "what's so funny darling" she turned round to me shocked and started babbling
Y/n: "baby! uam ba dum or ip, oos ived seemey they adie meeker anicort a witch"
Pomfrey: "she's severely concussed..."
Draco: "...yeah, very severely... Baby how do you feel"
Y/n: "berfetenly bine"
Draco: "I'll take that as could be better"
Y/n: "drot im goood"
Pomfrey: "I'll give her a potion and she should be fine in 10-15 minutes"
Draco: "thanks"
Pomfrey: "no problem she's become like my VIP now, she's been here like 10 times"
Draco: "that many?"
Pomfrey: "she came twice for fainting, once at the beginning of the year another during Christmas break, I feel a little guilty because she was already infected then and I didn't notice, though it must've been very recent since she had no symptoms" I'll have to ask her about this... Like Madame Pomfrey said 10 minutes later y/n was back to normal and insisted we get back before the end of last lesson so we can still carry out the plan.

Y/n pov
Y/n: "I swear I'm fine I didn't even feel concussed, let's gooo" I tried for a third time dragging Draco to the room Blaise was having detention
Draco: "you might not have felt it but you weren't speaking English darling you said something about they adie meeker and a witch"
Y/n: "no I said at quidditch practice they made me seeker and I caught the snitch!"
Draco: "oh that's amazing darling, Slytherins two seekers dating, how much more perfect could we be"
Y/n: "I have an idea" I commented quietly but Draco obviously heard me
Draco: "oh no you don't, and tonight I want you to come to my room so we can talked about the Christmas holidays"
Y/n: "wh- sure it was fu-"
Draco: "stop lying to me, or I'll start to get mad darling" I looked at my feet defeated "uh!" He warned and I quickly looked back at him "come on darling, later, now let's help our friends get laid" I giggled at that remembering our purpose.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now