Ch 1. Vampire Barbie

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The sudden shrill of his phone slicing through the stillness made him tense. He instantly recognized Stefan's ringtone but made no move to answer, his jaw ticking as he willed the incessant sound to cease.

Just then, Caroline stirred, her eyes fluttering open as a soft groan escaped her lips. "What happened?" she murmured groggily, her brow furrowing in confusion as she blinked against the harsh hospital lights.

Damon was at her side in an instant, his movements a blur as he leaned closer. His eyes roamed her face with a tender intensity that belied the usual nonchalant mask he wore. "You were in an accident, Barbie," he said softly, his voice a low rumble thick with barely restrained emotion. "But you're gonna be okay now."

Shifting slightly, he brushed a stray lock of golden hair from her face with infinite care - as if she were the most precious thing in the world to him. His phone had mercifully fallen silent, but Damon paid it no mind, his entire being focused solely on the fragile beauty before him as she slowly regained consciousness.

His phone rang again, the shrill tone cutting through the intimate atmosphere. It was Stefan calling once more. With an irritated huff, Damon swiped to silence the call without a second thought.

Caroline's brow furrowed deeper as flashes of memory filtered back. "Jacob..." she rasped, concern lacing her tired voice. "Is he okay?"

Damon gave a curt nod. "He's fine, just a few scrapes and bruises. Jessica and Samantha went to check on him in the other room." His expression softened as his piercing gaze met hers. "Do you remember what happened?"

Swallowing thickly, Caroline nodded slowly. "We were joking around like always, and then..." She trailed off, eyes widening slightly. "A man just appeared out of nowhere right in front of the car."

The incessant ringing began again, this time the display flashing Elena's name. Damon's handsome features contorted into a scowl of pure irritation. With a vicious stab of his finger, he rejected the call, jaw clenched tightly.

"Who was that?" Caroline asked, unable to mask her curiosity.

"Just Elena being annoyingly persistent as usual," he bit out, cobalt eyes flickering with hostility.

Catching the undercurrent of bitterness, Caroline arched a delicate brow. "Why the extra hostility towards her?"

Damon's full lips curved into a humorless smirk. "She deserves it after the little stunt she pulled," he stated simply, leaving no room for argument in his clipped tone.

Caroline peered at Damon curiously. "What do you mean? What stunt?"

Damon's expression hardened, a muscle ticking in his chiseled jaw. Without preamble, he launched into recounting the uncomfortable confrontation with Elena at the Gilbert residence - her unexpected confession of feelings, her unwanted advances despite his pointed rejection and reminder of her involvement with his brother Stefan.

Caroline's brow knitted together in confusion as she processed Damon's recounting of Elena's uncharacteristic behavior. "That just doesn't sound like her at all," she murmured, shaking her head slightly.

Damon's jaw clenched, his eyes hardening. "Don't try defending her, Blondie," he warned, tone clipped. "She was pretty convincing as she tried to kiss me."

Caroline couldn't help the slight pang of jealousy that lanced through her at Damon's words about Elena developing feelings for him. Despite her own complicated relationship with the raven-haired beauty, the idea of sweet, caring Elena falling for Damon's roguish charm stung in a way she didn't fully understand.

Swallowing hard, she searched his striking features, so achingly familiar to her now. "You and Elena have barely spent any time together," she pointed out, struggling to keep her tone even. "What feelings was she talking about developing?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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