Chapter 6 - A Gift

Start from the beginning

Levi looks over, "You deserve the day off. And thanks again for helping us, it means a lot considering the amount of work you had these past weeks."

I give him a warm smile, "You know, I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me. And of course, I'm always willing to help out my friends." 

His eyes flick down to my chest for a split second before looking back up. "Tch. Don't get used to it."

We chit chat for about 15 more minutes before Nifa walks up, "Hey (Y/N), Commander Erwin was asking to meet him in his office, he said it's urgent."

I throw my head back and let out and exaggerated sigh, "Ughhhh, I guess there is no such thing as having a day off." I turn to the others, "Good luck with training today, I'll try to catch you guys later!"

Pacing his office I look over to Erwin, "What do you mean you're taking me off Mike's squad?"

Erwin clasps his hands, "Listen, I can't tell you details, but I need you to stay with my squad."

"I don't understand, why me? What if something happens to Mike?"

"Nothing's going to happen to him, he's our top soldier and Meena can help take care of Levi and his friends. I need you with me. Something about you is special, I can't afford to lose someone so talented."

I stare at him, trying to get a read on his expression. "Okay fine, but what about this expedition is so dangerous?"

He stands up and walks over and places his hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes. "I can explain after the expedition if everything goes as expected. Just promise me that you'll stay with my group no matter what."

I break free from his grip and run my hands through my hair, "Alright, I'll stay with you, but after that I want back in on Mike's group."

"We'll see. Depending on how many people we lose, a Captain spot might open up."

My jaw dropped, "C-Captain? Are you serious? I haven't even been a scout for a year."

"That may be true, but you excel in every category: Combat, ODM, strategizing, and taking out titans. With your strong personality and decision-making ability, you'd make a great leader."

I stare at him shocked, not even knowing how to respond. "Will I be able to pick my own team?"

He chuckles, "We'll talk when the time comes. You're dismissed."

I salute before heading out, walking back to my room. Today is a good day to go to the lake. I pack up some supplies in a duffle bag and grabbed some food for lunch later. Once Copenhagen was ready to go, we took off up the hill to my favorite spot. 

After about 30 minutes of riding, we got to our destination. A small lake sat on top of the hill, surrounded by thick tress and soft lemongrass. Today was sunny with no clouds, and the summer heat was just beginning. I set up my orange hammock in between two oak trees. I climbed in with one of my books, inhaling the sweet aroma of the flowers that grew over here, including my favorites, lavender and roses. Laying my head back I look up to the sky, within minutes I drifted off to sleep.

Dream State

Memories flash inside my head: blood splattering, horse beats, shouting, my parents tied up, my brother screams, a hooded figure holding a bloodied knife. Soon the memories stop flashing by, and instead one stops at a house.

I walk up the stone stairs and enter through the dark oak double doors. Shouting emitted from the kitchen, I peek my head in to see three figures arguing, their faces slightly distorted. One of them wore a navy blue overcoat and seemed to be yelling at the taller two figures. 

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