10: quidditch drama

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "guess who just got on the quidditch team!"
Avery: "hmmm... You!"
Y/n: "yeah!" Then I felt a whack in the centre of my back. That kid had hit me with his broomstick.
Boy: "you bitch, did you try to kill me"
Y/n: "hey you're the one who said you'll knock me out the sky, I just borrowed your tactic" I said nonchalantly.
Boy: "bitch!" he swung his broomstick at me I tried to jump back but it still hit my knee, and I hissed in pain. Honestly I was more scared for his safety than my own, when I saw an evil looking glare from Draco. I can only imagine he was murdering the boy in his mind. Avery was quicker than his to speak though.
Avery: "you're just a sore loser, and pathetic for attacking her when it was a fair fight"
Now most people came round us, Theo Blaise and Draco who were captains of the Slytherin team were about to jump the bitter boy, so I cut in.
Y/n: "guys don't kill him... Can I kick him?"
Theo: "were responsible here we can't exactly let yo-"
Draco: "go for it love"
Y/n: "thanks" I turned to the boy "...wanna fight?"
Boy: "bitch really think you can fight me" he taunted and turned to laugh with his mates but I quickly stated
Y/n: "yes."
Blaise: "right you two, Slytherin style there are only three rules, no weapons, no wands, no witnesses. Let's go behind the stand so the Gryffindors don't get nosy." We all walked the little way so the wooden stands provided cover from the other house, all the girls and even some boys were on my side and the boys mates and a couple other were on his. With no stance or tactic he clenched his fists and threw one at me. He was too far at the beginning and it was obvious to see coming, so I dodged easily and jabbed the back of his knees slightly, making him stumble past me. People laughed even the three captains who were meant to be unbiased struggle to hold their smirks. Well Draco had no problem with bias actually and had a proud smile the entire time. He was even more angry now which affected his already unbalanced technique, and the second time he lunged at me I moved forward past him giving a precise jab in his unprotected side. I know I'm tiny, but people don't need to patronise me for it, and I learnt to use their power against them. So, the next attack I used his motion, twisted his arm and swept his feet to push him into the floor. I looked down at him and he glared back raging and red. He stood up and threw his hands round my neck choking me. His grip was strong but disappointedly simple and I kneed him in the crotch and twisted his wrists outwards so his strength couldn't counter my actions. I think that broke him because he didn't manage to get up for a bit, then a familiarly foreign voice interrupted us.
Harry: "what's going on here!?"
Draco: "none of your business potter" Draco spat back immediately
Harry: "you're letting this girl get beaten up how could you Malfoy"
Y/n: "my god use you're eyes! Can you not see the kid on the floor at my feet! Why does everyone always assume the small girl is defenceless!?" Harry and his company looked shocked at my outburst, Draco sensed I was getting worked up so came to my side
Draco: "I'd never encourage an unfair fight, that's why I let her fight him, because if I did it it'd be a lot worse"
Hermione: "there doesn't have to be a fight at all"
Blaise: "why not, better get it out that let it eat you up, plus he was being a dick"
Draco: "I'm not just gonna let someone hit my girl without revenge"
Faith: "this is Slytherin business, you can go now"
Harry: "if he hit her let him be reprimanded properly"
Ron: "did he say his girl??" he spoke to the side
Draco: "no Potter, and yes she's my girl, and as you can see the fights over, so we'll be going back to practice now, and you can shove off" all the Slytherins went back onto the pitch and Harry and his friends hesitantly walked away, the boy and his mates went in a different direction, accepting defeat.

The rest of the tryouts went considerably smoothly and except from the red mark growing on the side of my knee you'd never guess there'd just been a fight. By the end of it Draco made an announcement.
Draco: "those of you who made the teams are going to have a short meeting with your captains, the rest of you can go, maybe next time" I could tell Draco said that out of forced courtesy and it made me silently giggle to myself, but he noticed. As I was walked to see Faith he asked
Draco: "what were you giggling about baby girl?"
Y/n: "they're never going to make the team but your courtesy is amusing"
Draco: "Snape told me I had to be not snide if I wanted to keep my captain position"
Y/n: "alright see you in a sec" I jogged towards the forming huddle of girls.
Faith: "well done you three for making the team, I'm faith the Captain..."
Natalie: "I'm Natalie, co-captain"
Rosa: "Rosa, co-captain"
Jem: "hey! I'm Jemima or Jem, I'm your moral support"
Faith: "she's also great at arguments, she's our spokesperson when another team trash talk us"
Y/n: "sounds great!"
Jem: "oh and by the way respect for beating that little dick"
Y/n: "thanks, and he's definitely got a little dick I could tell there's nothing there when I  kneed him" we laughed and they said practice was at Monday lunchtimes and Wednesday after school.
Faith: "see you'll on Monday, we'll guage you're talents and therefore positions then" with that we went and I saw Draco, and his team putting away some stuff. I ran and jumped on him hugging his front like a koala. Time to play Cupid.
Y/n: "make Blaise do this"
Draco: "what why, I'm not going to just leave for no good reason"
Y/n: "I can give you a good reason" I but my lip and he growled lowly
Draco: "I guess you're the best reason there is, let's go... Blaise take these to the equipment cupboard!" Then he walked to the back of the stands and began kissing me passionately. But I jumped off him when I saw Blaise coming "baby what are you doing, I'm not done yet"
Y/n: "shhh" I crouched down and pulled him by his top, it didn't actually pull him but he went with it anyway. As soon as Blaise went into the equipment room I crept towards the door and shut it silently, muttering a complex locking charm I learnt just for the occasion. Every Cupid has a few clever arrows in their quiver.
Draco: "da-" I put my hand over his mouth quickly so he didn't give us away, I pulled him back to a safe distance and he finally spoke "what's going on?" He said suspiciously. I giggled
Y/n: "I'm locking Blaise and Avery in a cupboard what else"
Draco: "and why would that be"
Y/n: "I'm Cupid" I smirked proudly
Draco: "are you telling me they like eachother!?"
Y/n: "yes! Isn't is great, he half confessed to Avery when he was drunk and she likes him too!! Naturally I had to plan a perfect place for them to get together"
Draco: "okay, but you still teased me and led me on"
Y/n: "well we have 30 minutes until that locking charm stops..." Immediately Draco picked me up and walked into another cupboard pinning me against a wooden beam and grinding on me as we kissed.

STOP IT!... please. Draco ffWhere stories live. Discover now