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Hey guys this is the second book in the bullied girl's duet. This book will be a super fast pace.

As I said before it will not be more than 30 chapters plus an epilogue. I will make sure updates are super fast. (I know how annoying it is when you have to come to another book to finish the first book, Please bare with me.)

Thank you all for reading I appreciate your votes and support on the first book. Without it, I would have stopped. Please check out my other books, there are on my profile. As soon as I finish this one, I will choose another book which I will announce and I will start updating again, you can check out the Fragile prince, it is completed.

Enjoy ❤️❤️
"Where do you want the driver to take us?" Kelvin asked softly, Dara continued stroking her daughter's head, knowing that she could not regret what she had done. Everything was over with no, and she had lived with her decision.

"We should go to my parent's house, the news has probably gotten to them. I will take some of my stuff and go back to the penthouse with you," she said still not looking at him.

Kelvin swallowed, he knew that having the same last name as him did not mean their relationship was fine or they were okay, Kelson had put a strain on their relationship and marriage could not fix it.

"I never got to say it, Kelvin, thank you for doing this for me, I know that this was a big decision you took for me and even though Kelson is your twin you see helping me, thank you so much," Kelvin smiled softly at her.

"It's no problem Dara, I am just helping a friend," he stated leisurely, secretly looking for a reaction, her face remained blank but her head was going haywire. Friend? Friend? Was he joking?

They never broke up officially? Although she was furious, rightfully so friends? He said it so casually and coolly that she wondered if was that how it was going to end with them.

She opened her phone and it was flooded with congratulations as expected, the notifications on her social media should have been turned off. The number of people that are commenting on the blog post written about them is as much.

They got to the house and she was scrolling through thousands of comments made by Nigerians, about what they thought about weddings. She was amused by some and disgusted by others.

They drove into their estate and she knew t was showtime. Her family was not going to simply accept her being married without informing them even but she was not backing down. It was better to be married to Kelvin than them fighting for custody of Layo, she prayed the adoption agency walked faster so that everything could be set up without Stephanie finding out. That was almost impossible now, they are gone viral and nothing was stopping Stephanie from raising her guard.

The car finally stopped in front of the prestigious mansion owned by the Oladeles, Dara shook Layo to wake her up. Kelvin got out of the car and bent to help his wife out of the car. Even saying it made him jelly inside. Even though he did that the marriage was not a real thing, he felt happy calling her his.

She was his, and as long as they were married she would remain that way. He thought of what he said   In the car and how she did not say anything about it.

He intertwined his hands with hers and carried Layo in his other hand. They entered the house just in time to see the entire family watching the news, it showed the trio back at the registry, trying to avoid the paparazzi and the hot sun.

"You!" Maria yelled. She was the first one to notice their presence and her words drew the attention of the other people in the huge living room.

Maria stood up to her feet and walked toward them, "what is this I am seeing? Did you marry him? What is the meaning of this?" her eyes went to their fingers and the wedding ban on them. Her chest burnt with anger. She felt like slapping her stupid daughter.

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