ACT VII: Mind Control?!

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(If this chapter is kinda boring it's because I writing while I have nothing on my mind. So... sorry)

On the scheduled days San and I came down to train. I've learned to slightly float for 3 hours. While we both have been working on portal magic.

Recently it's only been 3ft by 3ft portals but it's getting better we have only been able to train at night because we don't want the others to know. Especially not Hongjoong, Or Yunho.. that could be dangerous.

"Are we getting better? We can make three foot portals now!" We looked to the one training us today, H.Yunho

"Yes yes. Much better! I can't wait until you unlock your full potential. You'll be phenomenal! A perfect team!" He claps for the two of us. "You're dismissed. Go get some rest. Tomorrow is your break day go have fun." H.Yunho got up, bowed and walked off somewhere. Me and San headed to bed for the night as it was just passing 3 am.

⏱next morning⏱

I woke up to Hongjoong stood over me, his eyes darting down at me like bullets "G-Good morning?" I said as he kept his eyes glued to mine

"Where have you been the past few weeks? Wooyoung told me you haven't been in your room until past 3 am. Neither has Sannie. Where have you two been." He questioned me.

"I've been studying. Maybe I want to study the different powers before I get mine." I explained. "He's been having bad nightmares so he's been clinging to me as he now." I lied as I showed hongjoong the book I had for many years. He nods as a okay and left the room.

San looked up to me as he stopped fake sleeping and chuckled. "Should I get up now or?" He questioned "Up to you." I laughed as he wiggled his way up. "You lied to Hongjoong.. straight to his face." Wooyoung growled and stomped over "I'm so telling Hongjoong-" "NO! DONT YOU DARE." San yelled out. Wooyoung stopped dead in his tracks. Was it mind control? May be that's His special power too. Mine is flight and apparently being able to change the map with a touch? I tried it a few days ago. I trace a shape on the map and a whole new island comes to life. San's is mind control... wow. "Turn around and go back to bed Wooyoung" Wooyoung followed San's exact orders, going back to bed.

"You just controlled his mind. That's your solo power. How... cool. I like it- I just had an idea!!" I yelled out. "What is it?" San looked up to me.

"Why don't we use that.... On Hongjoong. He knows all about us. Then we will get the answers from him!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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