"Hello." I said to her. She turned and smiled.

"Hey." She replied.

"So, when did Cole leave yesterday?" I asked.

"Like at midnight." I nodded.

"So, we should go hang with the boys and the girls what do you say? Cole wants you to go." I asked her smiling.

"Okay! Be ready in fifteen!" And with that she ran upstairs. I smiled and headed upstairs to get ready.


Allie and I drove to Dana's. We got there in a few and knocked on the door. Dana answered the door and smiled wide. We smiled back. He let us in and we said our hi's to everyone. Allie sat with Cole on the love seat, and I sat next to Judy and Gabe. Gabe and I just smiled awkwardly at each other. Later on, we started listening to other conversations. For some reason, I felt nervous. I felt a much of butterfly's in my stomach. Oh no! I heard a buzz. I looked over to Gabe and he took out his phone. On the screen there was a picture of Gigi. I suddenly feel like throwing up.

"Hey Dana, can I use your bathroom?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." I nodded in response and I ran for that bathroom.

~Gabe's P.O.V.~
Autumn just ran to the bathroom. I ignored my phone. She was in there for a long time. I need to check on her to make sure she's okay. But I can't make it obvious. Ding! I got an idea.

"Hey Dana, can I borrow your charger?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"Yea sure. It's in my room. I'll go get it-" I cut him off.

"No, don't worry I'll get it. Is it next to your dresser?" I asked to make myself more believable.

"Yep." I nodded and heading to his room. I was going to knock on the door, but I didn't want to seem like a stocker, so I hid in Dana's room until she came out. She opened the door and sighed. I quickly pulled her in Dana's room and shut the door. She was against the door with my hands on each side of her head.

"What the heck!" She whispered/yelled.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" I asked with an innocent grin.

"Well yeah kind of. And may I ask, why?" She said with her arms folded against her chest.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. You were in the bathroom for a long time."

"I'm fine. I just felt a little bad, but I'm fine now." She answered. We smiled at each other.

"Good. Well, we should go downstairs." She suggested.

"Oh uh, yeah, sorry." We both smiled and I opened the door for her. We both left Dana's room and went downstairs.

"Did you find it?" Dana asked.

"Nah. It's okay, I don't need it anymore."

"Mmmmhhm." He said raising one eyebrow. We both sat down and watched the boys play X-Box. For the rest of the day, we talked and stole glances. I love this moment.


The boys and I were heading to the dance studio. When we walked in, we saw Autumn and Allie talking on the couch.

"Hello Lady's." Cole said smirking at Allie.

They smiled and we all exchanged hellos.

"Okay guys lets get started. We are going to practice for your upcoming performance. So let's practice all songs." Autumn announced. We all nodded in response. We danced Get to Know You, Heartless, Go, Rest of Our Lives, and Touchdown Dance. We then took a brake. Autumn, Allie, Dana, and Cole were sitting on the couch while me and Will were standing.

"Hey Autumn, why do you like to dance?" Dana asked out of no where.

"Well, correction, I don't like to dance. I Love to dance." Autumn responded making everyone chuckle. She continued. "Anyways, I love to dance because people don't judge me. I guess dancing has always been fun for me and always been there for me. If I didn't have dance in my life, I would feel broken and feel miserable." She said. We all smiled at her.
"Well, I guess we can call this rehearsal a rap." Will said grabbing his bag. We all agreed and grabbed our stuff.

~Dana's P.O.V.~
Now I know why Autumn is so passionate at dance. I need to get her to come to the party tomorrow. I ran up to her.

"Autumn. So are you coming or nah?" I asked.

"Well I guess but, do you know what day it is?" She asked me with a worried look. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Yeah, it's March 26th." I responded. I knew that wasn't the answer she was looking for.

"Really?" She asked. I nodded.

"I guess I'll go, since I have nothing planned." She said. I smiled and we said our goodbyes. Little did she know, the house party was going to be all for her! I'm an evil, cute, curly haired GENIUS!!!!!
Long time no update! I'm so sorry it took me so long. I've been busy. But great news! Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY!!! On March 26th for people that have different time zones. So yeah! Thank you guys so much for reading this weird story. Comment and Vote please. Love you all, and I'll try to update soon!

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