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AU: Human/Adult

Genre: Angsty

Summary: Steven needs a break...he's highly overworked, his antidepressants aren't doing their job, and he and his girlfriend have been drifting apart. He decides it's time they parted separate ways...Well, that turns out to be harder than he thought

Published: 5/30/21

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"I can't do this, Connie. I just can't." 23 year old Steven muttered exhaustedly into his phone as he pulled up into his clear green yard. He looked to see Spinel's magenta convertible wasn't in the driveway yet, so he could only assume he'd have to wait to say what he had to say to her. This week had been hard on him, working extra hours with no pay, barely getting 4 hours of sleep each night (IF he's lucky) and he was overall exhausted. Usually he'd take antidepressants, but lately they weren't enough. "God gets to have a day of rest, why can't I?"

Connie, now 21, sighed on the other end. "You need a break Steven, all this stress isn't good for you. I hate seeing you like this and I know you hate seeing yourself this frustrated. Can't you ask your boss to lay off the hours?"

"No...he said it's either I work these extra hours or I don't work at all. And God knows I need all the money I could get."

"But doesn't-"

"No, she got fired 5 months ago for getting into it with a coworker." Steven rolled his eyes. "And with her criminal record no one really wants to hire her. This is pretty much one-sided at this point. Since then all she's done is drink and tell me how useless I am whenever she's drunk. I try my best, Connie, to tolerate and support her but there's only so much I can do with my tight schedule. I'm almost drained of my energy right now..."

He achily unlocked the front door and stepped inside, sighing tiredly and yearning for a bed or a massage or something to relax him. It was pretty clear that Spinel had been sulking around; beer bottles on the table, Steven's stolen bottle of antidepressants, and a few tissues with black mascara stained on them. Yep, definitely has a depressed-drunk moment while he was gone. But where was she now?

He really wished he could get this over with. Thank god Connie was there to talk him through. "Listen, don't feel bad about this. Whatever you think is good for your mental and physcial health, then by all means do it. Don't keep torturing yourself because you're afraid to help yourself."

"You know what, Connie? You're right...I really should do what I think is right..." Steven finally decided, though guilt tripped over him like a wave. Steven wished he didn't have to do it, if they could just solve their mysterious and unknown problems? No, that never worked. He had to let Spinel go, wether he liked it or not. Maybe then he can start letting other things go, such as finding a better job...

"But still, Spinel was my first love. I can't help but think about the times we went through, the good, and even the bad. What I can't figure out is why we can't get through this one like we did those other times...And I don't even know what the problem is! Her drinking, me not being home as often? Dammit, I REALLY wish I could be a kid again! That way I don't have to do all this."

"Don't we all wish we were happy little kids again? But hey, you know what they say about high school relationships: They just don't last. And don't worry about a thing, I'm always free if you wanna sit down and cry while binge eating ice cream and watching Riverdale." Sounds good.

Steven heard a car pull up in the driveway. She was here; and now he had to do what he almost dreaded doing, even if it was for the best.

"Thanks...She just came home, I'll talk to you later..."

"Alright, Let me know how it goes."

With that, Connie hung up, and Steven sighed once Spinel stepped in the doorway. She was soaked from the rain, her mascara driping down her face. She looked just as exhausted as Steven was. In her hand was a doggy-bag, cleanches tightly in her fists.

She looked like she was ready to kick his ass.

"Hey Spinel," Steven started off kindly.

"Hey jackass." She responded coldly, her voice raspy.

"Uhm...look..." God this was hard. "There's something I needa talk to you about..."

"Huh what a coincedance, so do I."

"But the thing is...you won't like what I have to tell you..." Spinel looked at him with a serious look. She looked hella scary, almost made Steven stop right there. But he couldn't, he's made it this far, he can go farther.

She rose an eyebrow at him. "Go on. It's not like today can get any worse..."

It can, actually. Your bf is fenna break up with you, isn't that just swell? :3

Steven rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Why is he all of a sudden so shy? He had planned this step by step. Was it because he knew he would feel bad after? That maybe he still loves her? Or maybe because he wants a peice of ass before he dumps her? His emotions were battling for the fittest. And his courage won.

"Spinel, I love you, I do." Sike. "And you know how hard I've been working, how stressed I've been..." He cleared his throat. "And...the frequent arguments we've been having."

Spinel glared and shot daggers into his eyes. But he kept going. "I remember how much we liked each other back in high school, how we'd use to have movie night every weekend, the laughs we had, and even those times we thought we were gonna break up, we didn't."

"Just get to the point, Steven. No need to dance around it!" Spinel urged with mega voice crack, as if she knew what he was going to put onto her. "It's not gonna make it better, you know, just say it-!"

"Spinel I think we need to break up!" He finally got out from his chest. It was like he had let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He ached to see his now ex-girlfriend's face, he instantly regretted putting it like that. "I think...we should just part ways. We aren't meant to be together like we used to be. Staying in this toxic relationship won't help either one of us."

"...Ya really mean it,doncha?"

Steven nodded, only to feel a hard, burning slap across his face. He winced in pain; Spinel always had the worst hits. Once he looked up, he could see Spinel covering her tear-stained face as a way to not show weakeness. But Steven could feel the hurt in her soul. Why the fuck did he do that?

"Look Spinel..."

"You know what? I always knew you were a jackass." Spinel spat at him achily. "At least this gives me the ok to sign those abortion papers."

His eyes widened. "Wh-wha...?"

"Oh? All of a sudden you care now? Well guess what..." She threw the doggy bag at him and started heading towards the door. "It's too late now..."

Spinel slammed the door, so hard that it made one of their pictures go crooked. Steven was so confused. Abortion papers? What did she...

He looked into the bag, and his body instantly filled with regret.

Inside was a positive pregnancy test.

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Here's some angst for ya. But yay! I got out of writer's block :3

💖Stevinel: The Ultimate One Shot Book💘Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora