🍒Homeworld Documentary: Behind the Scenes🍒

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AU: Gem/Regular 💎

Genre: 💎 Child AU, Kid sees shit they have no business

Summary: Little Starlight (as called by White) is making a video for her friends on Earth about her wonderful home called Homeworld! Interviewing the gems that inhabit the empire, she next interviews her parents...in a way.

Published: 5/17/21
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"Thank you so much Grandma White!" 6 year old Sarah giggles with a video camera in hand. "I can't wait for my friends to hear about those awesome gem wars you witnessed!"

White Diamond laughed at the child with delight. "Oh it's no problem, Little Starlight. Anything for the child of my dearest Pi- I mean Steven."

"All that stuff sounded super duper cool. Man, I wished I was part of the fun!" Sarah cheered, sounding a bit disappointed that she missed out on all the fun.

"Oh, nothing was fun about wars, Little Starlight, I can tell you that. Many gems were destroyed, others injured. You wouldn't be able to handle all of that bloodshed, even with..." She looked at the right-side up shaped heart on Sarah's chest. "Your gem powers. You haven't fully discovered them, have you?"

Sarah shook her head. She didn't fully understand the concept of being 3/4 gem, neither did she understand the concept of Steven or Spinel's trauma. When she asks how they met, they always say it was a funny story, nothing about Spinel trying to kill her father. Hell, she doesn't even know about the garden situation. It was mostly to protect her from having the rough childhood -- or gemhood-- that her parents had. Even with a replica of Spinel's gem, she doesn't know what powers she's capable of.

But they knew one thing she didn't; If she had any of Steven's power, she was a definite threat.

Being on Homeworld all her life was a game to her, being surrounded by so many gems and auntie Diamonds that spoiled her to death. Better yet she was with her mom 24/7, so it was never a bore. Steven on the other hand had to live on Earth, leaving it just the 2 of them. Did she miss him? Obviously. But that didn't stop her from enjoying him staying with them every week.

She just wished it was every day instead; maybe her mother would stop being so sad during the week.

"Oh..well...did momma and daddy ever fight in any wars?" She asked. White was hesitant with her answer. Spinel? No. But Steven? Well, he had Pink's gem...

"No, Little Starlight, they didn't." She finally said. "But they did other wonderous things! Maybe you should go ask them about it."

Sarah's eyes lit up at the thought. Today was the day Steven had showed up, after all! She didn't have forever to do this. "YES! I should!"

White lowered the small child down with her hand, allowing her to jump off. "Again, thank you for playing with me!" Sarah told White as she ran off excitedly. The Diamond waved and smiled at as she left. She had done Yellow, Blue, and finally White, as well as the Pearls. It was about time she did something with her parents, especially since her father would only be here for the day and she'd have to wait another week.

And that week seemed to go by as slow as those 6000 years Spinel waited.

Though the question was, where were they?

"Hmm..." She thought as she wondered the halls of the enormous palace. They could be anywhere. Besides, the last she saw Steven was when they were playing hide and seek, her favorite game, throughout the palace. Of course she won with it being so large. After a couple of hours he said he wanted to talk with Spinel and she hadn't seen him since.

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