Chapter 23

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Narrator's pov:

Two villains were in front of the four pro heroes and students. "Well, well, isn't this a lovely meeting." A green skinned villain known as Spinner said.

"Spinner look, it's the white haired wolf that brought Stain to the police." The red head said and her villain name is Mange as she pointed to Izumi who was puting the students behind her. "Huh, well this is going to be fun." Spinner said, pulling out a sword that had several others swords wrapped around it. "Not a chance." Pixie-bob said about to use her quirk but something grabbed her and started to bring her to Magne.

Her head was about to get hit by Magne's pilar when Izumi erased Magne's quirk and she used her scarf to grab Pixie-bob then pulled her to safety. "Thanks." Pixie-bob said as Izumi removed her scarf from her.

"Well, I see what Stain meant when he said your experience in combat and more." Spinner said, then Izumi then teleported behind keeping her erasing quirk active. She grabbed both Spinner and Magne with her scarf and smashed their heads together making them go unconscious. Izumi then heard Mandalay's voice in her head.

"Shadow wolf, please find Kota. I don't know where he is and I can't risk losing him, please find him." Mandalay pleaded and Izumi nodded.

"Iida, I'm counting on you to get the others to safety, if you find any of your classmates, help them." I stated and Iida nodded.

"Tiger, Pixie-bob, Mandalay, get these two tied up, there are a total of 10 villains, try to find the students in the area, spread the word of a villain attack now, and someone call the police. I'll look around to find if anyone's under attack." Izumi added before she changed into a tiger and everyone nodded. Izumi then ran through the forest to find the other students.

"Dude, your sister is awesome, she's so Plus Ultra." Mineta commented and Hitoshi nodded. "Thanks, now let's get going." Hitoshi said then everyone started to run in separate ways fast.

Meanwhile Kota was watching as he saw chaos in the training camp, he felt scared of what was happening as his aunt told him to go back to camp.

"Well aren't you a cute little boy."

A man said as a man in black cloak and hockey mask came almost out of nowhere. "Hm, you look so scared now, why don't we change that? This mask is really annoying anyway." The man said as he took off his mask, while Kota tried to run away only for the villain to jump on the side of the mountain and drop down on the ground.

"Now, why are you running? I just want to crush your little body. Is that so bad?" The man said then Kota could see his face, he was filled with fear as he remembered the man that killed his parents, he'd never thought he would encounter him and now here he is, meeting the man who killed both his parents and his villain name is Muscular.

"You look like both your parents, which is going to make it for me fun to kill you. You know your father left me this scar on my face, but I don't hold a grudge over a simple scar. I was only after seeing people's blood, but your parents got in the way of that." Muscular said, ready to punch Kota to death.

For a second, Kota saw his life flash before his eyes, he was about to die when someone grabbed him and landed 5 feet away from Muscular.

When Kota opened his eyes, he saw Izumi placing him down gently. "W-why did you.." Before Kota could finish, Muscular spoke.

"So your Shadow wolf? The girl that took down 50 villains at once and got Shigaraki arrested, I will say that your skills are impressive but that won't stop me since I was given direct orders to kill you." Muscular said then Izumi stood up and Kota hid behind her. "Don't count on it, it's going to be hard killing me." Izumi said then a combination of a shadow and fire scythe appeared in her hand.

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