Chapter 15

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Izuimi's pov:

I was in the U.A. field training with my quirks and I was doing well so far. I started with my push ups, then started push ups without my feet touching the ground, then handstand push ups, pulls ups, sprinting, parkour, sit ups and I stretched my body with gymnastics poses. It's been months since the incident in the U.S.J. and a few things have changed. Nezu and I plan to increase the security around U.A. and I have asked Nezu to increase my training to be a bit more ruthless and brutal.

This year was basically the usual, all the higher yeared students and the new students tried to get me go on a dates with them, All might and I rarely talking with each other, mine and Izuku's birthday coming up with everyone asking me what I wanted when I specifically told them I didn't want anything for my birthday, arresting villains around the area, having a meeting with Hawks, Blue flame (Blue flame is Dabi and he did not become a villain), and a few other heroes as well, doing my weekly training, and the first year students still don't know that dad and papa are married, since dad is very grumpy sometimes and papa is very enthusiastic.

Once I was finished warming up, I let my dragon wings out and started stretching my body. I flew high up until I stopped flapping my wings, I fell down to the ground fast but at the last minute I glided and landed safely on the ground. Papa and Nezu were timing me and Papa was a little concerned on how I fly but he understood my ways. "Great job angel! You went so much faster than last time." Papa said and I nodded. "I agree, you've been improving every day." Nezu said and I smiled a bit. "Thank you, sir. I do have a good teacher." I said and Nezu smiled. My training went on for 2 hours, when I finished, I stretched my arms over my head.

"I think this will be all for today, you can practice your dancing on your own and don't forget to practice using your element quirk later." Nezu said and I nodded once more. "Very well Nezu." I said as I grabbed my vest, my button up shirt, and my tie since I was practicing my quirk in my black sports bra, an unzipped black jacket and gray sweatpants. "Don't forget to come on time for the U.A. sports festival tomorrow, I hear it's going to be quite the fight this year." Papa said and I nodded. I went to the changing room.

Once I got into the changing room, I grabbed my towel to dry up. While I was drying up, I heard talking but I ignored it. Once I finished drying up, I put on my trousers and I was about to put my shirt on when I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and saw Jirou, Asui, Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Uraraka and Hagakure staring at me. They were all blushing minus Hagakure since you can't really see her. "Oh uh, Apologies Shadow wolf. We didn't think you were here." Yaoyorozu said and I nodded. "It's alright. I just finished my training for the day, I see you're all going to get changed into your hero suits." I said as I put my button up shirt on.

"You have so many scars on your body, how did you get them?" Hagakure asked and I was silent for a second. "A fighting accident with a gang of villains, but thanks to my healing quirk I am fine." I said as buttoned up my shirt, even though that was half of the truth. "So...what's it like being emotionless?" Uraraka said then got elbowed by Jirou. "It feels like nothingness. If I get shot with a bullet I won't feel anything. If I hurt myself I wouldn't react. If someone hurts me I wouldn't cry or feel upset, just numbness." I said and there was silence in the room and I was finished changing.

"Oh and I look forward to seeing you all do your very best in the sports festival." I said with a small smile then left and I could have sworn their faces were red as Eri's eyes.

I left the changing rooms and went to the teachers lounge to check on the news to see if there were any new villain attacks around the area or incidents. Ever since All Might became a teacher here, he has had a hard time keeping up his schedule in check, not to mention the fact that he has zero experience in being a teacher. So I send him emails on his lessons on the basic does and don'ts in being a teacher. I also send him the upcoming events that will happen, it still doesn't count as talking to him but at least it's better than getting out of that situation, but I wouldn't care either way.

While I was working, I heard the door open and saw Midnight, Powerlouder and Lunchrush. "Oh Hello Snowflake." Lunchrush said and I nodded. "Hello Lunchrush, Powerloader, Midnight. I thought you all had to teach your classes?" I said and they nodded. "We did but we decided to let the students have more time to train so they can prepare for the sports festival tomorrow." Midnight said and I nodded. "I see." I said then saw some of the students passing by the teachers lounge.

"So Angel what's your type?" Midnight asked and I tilted my head in confusion. "What sort of type? Like blood type or type of book?" I asked then Midnight dropped the question seeing as she forgot I don't know what she meant. "Nevermind, what's your favorite color instead?" Midnight asked and I thought for a second. "I like all colors, but the one color I like the most is red." I said and that surprised Midnight along with Powerloader and Lunchrush. "Really? I never knew you liked red before." Powerloader said then I saw some of the students stop to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"I like red because it symbolizes bravery, confidence, love, health, life, energy, passion and danger. That's what I mostly like to see in most people. To show their bravery, to show they aren't afraid of danger and to show energy they have." I said and Midnight nodded. "All right, Angel. That sounds lovely." Powerloader said and ruffled my hair a little, then I noticed the other students whispering with each other but I brushed it off.

After a while, I finished off some work and went to pick up Eri from the preschool. I asked the other teachers to watch over Eri in each round and they agreed to watch her, while I observed the students from a close but far distance and needless to say but I was excited to see the sports festival even if I didn't feel it or show it.

The next day everyone was excited for the U.A. sports festival I wished Hitoshi good luck since he is my brother and when no one was looking, I nodded at Izuku. We may not talk to each other but we talk through signals, it's our way of saying goodluck to each other. Dad and Papa were already in the commentary box. I went to halls and used my shadow quirk to hide in the shadows so I could take notes on everything. I asked my animal companions to keep an eye on the city since I am needed here but I told them that if anything happens they should let me know.

Once everyone was seated and it was now time, I heard papa speak from the commentary box. "Gather 'round mass media! This year all your favorite high school students will let out their youth run free like bucking broncos once again. The sports festival has begun! Everybody, ARE YOU READY!?" Papa asked and the crowd cheered loudly, they were filled with excitement and joy, I really do wish I could feel that sometimes.

"To start off with the top students of U.A. will be giving out a speech." Papa said and I already told Kacchan to prepare a speech for U.A. Kacchan stepped up to the stage and I noticed that his classmates aside from his friends looked nervous on what he was going to say. Kacchan tapped the microphone to see it was working and it was.

"Hello everyone, today I hope you all enjoy the U.A. sports festival. As you all know, each of us in U.A. plan to help people and protect everyone we can. Some may think we only care about the money, fame or popularity, but no. We plan to be heroes to protect and save people. To help those in need, regardless of what we are, whether we are quirkless or not, it doesn't mean we are useless, we are equal, we are all the same only in a different way that represents us. So I hope to inspire others to help others even when they don't think they can do anything. I do not wish to win, but to only do the best I can. Thank you." Kacchan said and everyone in the stadium cheered loudly for him and I clapped as well. His classmates, excepts his friends were surprised on his speech but he ignored them.

"An inspiring speech if you ask me, I think I'm more excited for the U.A. sports festival than I already was." Papa said through the commentary box. "Agreed, although his speech did surprise me on how he said it, I would've expected something else but I won't lie his speech was inspiring." Dad said and I made a small smile on my face.

This was going to be an exciting event.

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