Chapter 2 - Stop, Wait a Minute

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Words: 10118

Keith isn't even sure why he's here.

They're in one of the larger dance rooms on the first floor, and it's crowded as hell. People of all ages: kids, teenagers, people well into their twenties. They're mostly grouped up in their own ages, talking with friends, bouncing excitedly, stretching. Keith leans up against the wall, as far away from the others as he can get. His arms are crossed over his chest as his eyes idly pass over the room. His headphones are around his neck and he can hear his music playing softly under the general din of conversation in the room.

He barely recognizes anyone here. He's been coming here for a couple of years, but he doesn't really interact with anyone and he's only take a couple of classes. He learned a lot from those classes, but he hated having to go at the whole class's pace. He hated having to deal with the other students. He hated how the instructors always used him as the 'example' because he picked up the moves faster than others. He hated how the others looked at him.

It isn't like he doesn't want to make friends. But when he's learning a new dance, he gets so concentrated, so into it. He blocks a lot out. Shiro's told him on several occasions that he doesn't exactly look easy to approach when he's like that.

It didn't take long for Keith to learn that he prefers independent study. He can learn dances at his own pace, repeat it as many times as he needs to for his movements and muscle memory to be perfect. He doesn't have to worry about people staring at him. He doesn't have to worry about fucking up. He doesn't have to worry about anyone seeing him until he's confident he can do it. No one to see him stumble. No one to distract him. No one to see him get frustrated. It's a learning environment he prefers.

This, however, is definitely not an environment he prefers. It's too loud. There's too many people. They're all one hundred percent more into this than he is. He doesn't even like dance competitions. Why is he even here?


Lance is the reason he's here. Lance and his stupid competitive streak. Lance and his innate ability to get under Keith's skin. Lance and his cocky grin that makes a strange heat rise in Keith's chest. A heat that drives him to do anything, anything, to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

He isn't even sure how he got himself into this situation.

Last year he had tried this whole dance competition thing. He had gotten one of the slots to go to regionals. He had practiced and learned his routine. But when it came right down to it, he just didn't want to go. He doesn't like dancing in front of crowds. He's never been into it. He only auditioned because Shiro convinced him to. He had promised he would try, and he did. Then he had dropped out. And apparently Lance had gotten his spot.

It's not like he doesn't remember Lance. He does when he thinks about it. He remembers his loud personality and abrasive voice, his cocky attitude and unrefined dance style. He didn't pay attention to much when he took dance classes, being so focused on himself and learning the moves with the least amount of struggle possible. But Lance... Lance had made himself known. He had gotten in Keith's face on several occasions, had caught his eye in the mirror, had made comments about how Keith was the teacher's pet. Keith had decidedly ignored him. At the time, he had no idea that the annoying Latino boy would waltz back into his life.

He didn't really pay attention to anyone during auditions last year either. He had sat against the wall, waited his turn, danced, and left. But Lance... it was hard not to notice him. He had never learned his name, and he had forgotten about him not long after. But when he danced... Keith had actually watched.

He doesn't remember much about his dancing now, but he remembers what he thought about it. Lance had been... wild. Keith could tell right away that his routine wasn't entirely practiced. But that didn't seem to matter. He never missed a beat, never stumbled. He smiled throughout the whole thing, and the way his body moved was just... entirely natural. It was so different from Keith, and he found himself staring.

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